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C H A P. III. Of Anatomy in general; and in particular of all the Parts whereof the Humane Body is compos'd.
ОглавлениеWhat is Anatomy?
It is the Analysis or exact Division of all the Parts of a Body, to discover their Nature and Original.
What is requisite to be observ'd by a Surgeon before he goes about to dissect a Body?
Two things; viz. The external Structure of the Body, and the Proportion or Correspondence between the outward Parts, and those that are within.
Why so?
Because without this exterior and general Knowledge, the Surgeon wou'd be often mistaken in the Judgment he is to pass concerning a Dislocation or Wound, inasmuch as it is by the Deformity which he perceives in the Member, that he knows the Dislocation, as it is also by the means of the Correspondence which the outward Parts have with the inward, that he is enabled to draw any certain Consequences relating to a Wound, which penetrates into the Body.
What is a Part?
It is that whereof the whole Body is compos'd, and which partakes of a common Life or Sensation with it.
How many sorts of Parts are there in a Humane Body?
We may well reckon up Fifteen distinct Parts, which are the Bone, the Cartilage, the Ligament, the Tendon, the Membrane, the Fibre, the Nerve, the Vein, the Artery, the Flesh, the Fat, the Skin, the Scarf-Skin, the Hair, and the Nails.
What is a Bone?
It is the hardest and driest Part of the whole Body, and that which constitutes its principal Support.
What is a Cartilage or Gristle?
It is a yielding and supple Part, which partakes of the Nature of a Bone, and is always fasten'd to its Extremities, to mollifie and facilitate its Motion.
What is a Ligament?
It is a Membranous Contexture usually sticking to the Bones to contain them; as also sometimes to other Parts, to suspend, and retain them in their proper place.
What is a Tendon?
It is the Tail or Extremity of the Muscles, made by the re-union of all the Fibres of their Body, which serves to corroborate it in its Action, and to give Motion to the Part.
What is a Membrane?
It is a Nervous Part, the use whereof is to adorn and secure the Cavities of the Body on the inside, and to wrap up or cover the Parts.
What is a Fibre?
They are fleshy Lines of which the Body of a Muscle is compos'd.
What is a Nerve?
It is a long, white, and thin Body, consisting of many Fibres, enclos'd within a double Tunick, and design'd to carry the Animal Spirits into all the Parts, to give them Sense and Motion.
What is an Artery?
It is a Canal compos'd of Four Coats, that carreyth with a kind of Beating or Pulse even to the very Extremity of the Parts, the Blood full of Spirits, which proceeds from the Heart, to distribute to them at the same time both Life and Nourishment.
What is a Vein?
It is a Canal made likewise of Four Tunicles, which receives the Arterial Blood, to carry it back to the Heart.
What is Flesh?
It is a Part which is form'd of Blood thicken'd by the natural Heat; and that constitutes the Body of a Muscle.
What is Fat?
It is a soft Body made of the Unctuous and Sulphurous part of the Blood.
What is the Derma or Skin?
It is a Net compos'd of Fibres, Veins, Arteries, Lymphatick Vessels and Nerves, which covers the whole Body to defend it from the Injuries of the Air, and to serve as a universal Emunctory: It is very thin in the Face, sticking close to the Flesh, and is pierc'd with an infinite number of imperceptible Pores, affording a Passage to insensible Transpiration.
What is the Epiderma, or Scarf-Skin?
It is a small fine Skin, transparent and insensible, having also innumerable Pores for the discharging of Sweat, and other Humours by imperceptible Transpiration: It is extended over the whole inner Skin, to dull its too exquisite Sense, by covering the Extremities of the Nerves which are there terminated. It also renders the same Skin even and smooth, and so contributes very much to Beauty.
What is the Hair?
The Hairs are certain hollow Filaments planted in the Glandules of the Skin, from whence their Nourishment is deriv'd. They constitute the Ornament of some Parts, cover those which Modesty requires to be conceal'd, and defend others from the injury of the Weather.
What is a Nail?
The Nails are a Continuity of the Skin harden'd at the end of the Fingers, to strengthen and render them fit for Work.