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C H A P. IX. Of the Myology, or Anatomy of the Muscles of the lower Belly.
ОглавлениеHow many Muscles are there in the lower Belly, and which be they?
There are generally ten, five on each side, that is to say, two Obliqui, one ascending, and the other descending; one Transversus, one Rectus, and two Pyramidal, of which last, nevertheless, there is sometimes only one, and sometimes none at all.
The Obliquus Descendens, which is the first, hath its Original by digitation in the sixth and seventh of the true Ribs, in all the spurious Ribs, and in the transverse Apophyses of the Vertebra's of the Loins, and comes near to the Serratus Major Anticus of the Breast; from whence it proceeds to the external Rib of the Os Ilion, and is terminated by a large Aponeurosis in the Linea Alba or White Line, which separates the Muscles that are on each side of the Abdomen or lower Belly.
The Obliquus Ascendens ariseth from its Source in the upper part of the Os Pubis, and in the Ridge of the Hip-Bone, till it cleaves to the Apophyses of the Vertebra's of the Loins in the Extremities of all the Ribs, and in the Xiphoides or Sword-like Cartilage, and is terminated in the White Line by a large Aponeurosis.
The Rectus being situated between the Aponeuroses of the Obliquus, takes its rise in the Cartilages of the Ribs, in the Xiphoides and the Sternum, and enters into the Os Pubis, having many nervous parts to corroborate it in its length.
The Transversus having its beginning in the transverse Apophyses of the Vertebra's of the Loins, is fasten'd to the internal Rib of the Os Ilium, and within the Cartilages of the lower Ribs, and is terminated by a large Aponeurosis in the Linea Alba, passing over the Rectus, and sticking to the Peritonæum.
The Oblique Muscles, and the Transverse, have Holes toward the Groin, to give Passage to the Spermatick Vessels of Men, and to a round ligament of the Matrix in Women; so that Ruptures or Burstenness happen through these parts in both Sexes, although the Holes of these three Muscles are not situated one over-against another.
The Pyramidal, so named by reason of its Figure, is situated in the lower Tendon of the Rectus, its Origine being in the upper and external part of the Os Pubis; but it is terminated in the White Line, three Fingers breadth above the Pubes, and sometimes even in the Navel itself. These Muscles are not found in all Bodies for there are sometimes two, sometimes only one, and sometimes none.
The use of the Muscles of the lower Belly is to compress all the contain'd parts, in order to assist them in expelling the Excrements.
How many Muscles are there in the Testicles?
They have each of them one, call'd Cremaster; this Muscle takes its rise from the Ligaments of the Os Pubis, and by the dilatation of its Tendon covers the Testicle, which it draws upward.
How many Muscles hath the Penis?
It hath two Pair, viz. the Erectores or Directores, and the Dilatantes: The Erectores arise from the internal part of the Os Ischion, under the beginning of the Corpora Cavernosa, where they are inserted, and retake their Fibres in their Membranes. The Dilatantes or Acceleratores have their Source in the Sphincter of the Anus and slipping from thence obliquely under the Ureter, are join'd to the Membrane of the Nervous Bodies.
How many Muscles are there in the Clitoris?
It hath two Erectors which spring forth from the Protuberance of the Os Ischion, and are inserted in the Nervous Bodies of the Clitoris. There are also two others suppos'd to be its Elevators, which proceed from the Sphincter of the Anus, and are terminated in the Clitoris.
How many Muscles are there in the Anus?
There are three, viz. the Sphincter, and two Levatores. The Sphincter is two Fingers broad, to open and close the Rectum. This Muscle being double, is fasten'd in the fore-part to the Penis in Men, and to the Neck of the Matrix in Women, as also behind to the Coccyx, and laterally to the Ligaments of the Os Sacrum, and the Hips.
The two Levatores arise from the inner and lateral part of the Os Ischion, and are fasten'd to the Sphincter of the Anus, to lift it up after the expulsion of the Excrements.
The Bladder hath also a Sphincter Muscle to open and shut its Orifice.