Читать книгу The Compleat Surgeon or, the whole Art of Surgery explain'd in a most familiar Method - M. Le Clerc - Страница 2
Table of Contents
ОглавлениеThe whole Art of Surgery explain'd in a most familiar Method.
Of the Qualifications of a Surgeon, and of the Art of Surgery.
Of Chirurgical Instruments, portable and not portable.
Of Anatomy in general; and in particular of all the Parts whereof the Humane Body is compos'd.
Of the general Division of a Humane Body.
Of the Skeleton.
Of Myology, or the Anatomy of the Muscles of a Humane Body.
Of the Myology, or Anatomy of the Muscles of the Head.
Of the Myology or Anatomy of the Muscles of the Chest; or of the Breast Belly, and Back.
Of the Myology, or Anatomy of the Muscles of the lower Belly.
Of the Muscles of the Omoplatæ , or Shoulder-Blades, Arms, and Hands.
Of the Muscles of the Thighs, Legs, and Feet.
Of the Anatomy of the Nerves, Arteries, and Veins in general.
Of the Anatomy of the Abdomen , or lower Belly .
Of the Anatomy of the Thorax , Breast, or middle Venter .
Of the Anatomy of the Head, or upper Venter .
Straps, Swathing-Bands, Bandages, Bolsters, Splints, Tents, Vesicatories, Setons, Cauteries, Leeches, Cupping-Glasses, and Phlebotomy.
Of Straps, Swathing-Bands, Bandages, and Bolsters.
Of Tumours in general, Abcesses or Impostumes, Breakings out, Pustules, and Tubercles.
Of the general Method to be observ'd in the curing of Tumours .
Of Natural Tumours.
Of the Phlegmon and its Dependancies.
Remedies for Echymoses , Contusions, or Bruises.
Of phlegmonous Tumors or Impostumes, and of Remedies proper for 'em.
Of the Erysipelas and its Dependances.
Of Erysipelatous Tumours or Impostumes, and their Remedies.
Of the Oedema .
Of Oedomatous Tumours and Impostumes.
Of a Scirrhus , and its peculiar Remedies.
Of Scirrhous Tumours, and their Remedies.
Of Bastard or Encysted Tumours.
Of Critical, Malignant, Pestilential, and Venereal Tumours and Impostumes.
Of the Scurvy.
Wounds, Ulcers, and Sutures .
Of Sutures.
Of Wounds in general.
Of particular Wounds of the Head.
Of the particular Wounds of the Breast.
Of the particular Wounds of the lower Belly.
Of Wounds made by Guns or Fire-Arms.
Of the Prognostick of Wounds by Gun-shot.
Of the Cure of Wounds by Gun-shot.
Of Ulcers in general.
Of Venereal Diseases.
Of the Chaude-pisse or Gonorrhæa .
The manner of making the Mercurial Panacæa .
Of the proper Composition of the Mercurial Panacæa .
Of the Dislocation of the Bones.
Of the Fractures of Bones.
Of the particular Fractures of the Skull.
Of the Caries or Ulcer of the Bones, Exostosis , and Nodus .
Of Cauteries, Vesicatories, Setons, Cupping-Glasses, and Leeches.
Of Phlebotomy.
Of the Operation of the Trepan.
Of the Operation of the Fistula Lachrymalis .
The Dressing and Bandage of the Fistula Lachrymalis .
Of the Operation of the Cataract .
Of other Operations in the Eyes.
Of the Operation of the Polypus .
Of the Operation of the Hare-Lip .
Of the Operation of Bronchotomy .
Of the Operation of the Uvula .
Of the Operation of a Cancer in the Breast.
Of the Operation of the Empyema .
Of the Operation of the Paracentesis of the Lower-Belly.
The Operation of the Paracentesis of the Scrotum
Of the Operation of Gastroraphy .
Of the Operation of the Exomphalus .
Of the Operation of the Bubonocele, and of the compleat Rupture.
Of the compleat Hernia or Rupture.
Of the Operation of Castration .
Of the Operation of the Stone in the Ureter.
Of the Operation of Lithotomy .
Of the Operation of the Puncture of the Perinæum .
Of the Operation of the Fistula in Ano .
Of the Suture or Stitching of a Tendon .
Of the Cæsarian Operation.
Of the Operation of Amputation , with its proper Dressings and Bandages.
The Bandage commonly call'd Capeline by French Surgeons, or the Head-Bandage.
Of the Operation of the Aneurism .
Of the Operation of Phlebotomy .
Of the Operation of Encysted Tumours .
Of the Operation of the Hydrocephalus .
Of the operation of cutting the Tongue-String.
Of the Operation of opening stopt Ductus 's.
Of the Operation of the Phimosis and Paraphimosis .
Of the Operation of the Varix .
Of the Operation of the Panaritium .
Of the Reduction of the falling of the Anus .
Of the Reduction of the falling of the Matrix .
Of the Application of the Cautery .
Of the Application of Leeches.
Of the Application of the Seton .
Of Scarifications .
Of the Application of Vesicatories .
Of the Application of Cupping-Glasses .
Of the opening of Abcesses or Impostumes .
Of the Fracture of the Nose.
Of the Fracture of the lower Jaw.
Of the Fracture of the Clavicle .
Of the Fracture of the Omoplata or Shoulder-Blade.
Of the Fracture of the Ribs.
Of the Fracture of the Sternum or Breast-Bone.
Of the Fracture of the Vertebra 's.
Of the Fracture of the Os Sacrum .
Of the Fracture of the Coccyx or Rump-Bone.
Of the Fracture of the Humerus or Arm-Bone.
Of the Fracture of the Bone of the Elbow.
Of the Fracture of the Carpus or Wrist-Bone.
Of the Fracture of the Bone of the Metacarpium .
Of the Fracture of the Fingers.
Of the Fracture of the Thigh.
Of the Fracture of the Knee-Pan.
Of the Fracture of the Leg.
The Dressing of Complicated Fractures
Of the Fracture of the Bone of the Foot.
Of the Luxation of the Nose.
Of the Luxation of the lower-Jaw.
Of the Luxation of the Clavicle .
Of the Luxation of the Vertebra' s.
Of the Luxation of the Coccyx or Rump-Bone.
Of the Bunch .
Of the Luxation of the Ribs.
Of the Sinking of the Xiphoides , or Sword-like Cartilage .
Of the Luxation of the Humerus , or Arm-Bone .
Of the Luxation of the Elbow.
Of the Luxation of the Wrist.
Of the Luxation of the Fingers.
Of the Luxation of the Thigh.
Of the Luxation of the Knee.
Of the Luxation of the Patella or Knee-Pan.
Of Balsams.
Of Ointments.
The mundificative Ointment of Smallage.
The black or suppurative Ointment.
Unguentum Album, aut de Cerussa .
Unguentum Basilicon , or Royal Ointment .
Of Plaisters.
The Plaister of simple Diachylum .
The Plaister of Andreas Crucius .
Of Cataplasms or Pultisses.
Here is another Cataplasm proper to mollifie and to bring to Suppuration when it is necessary.
Of Oils.
Simple Oil of Roses made by Infusion.
Compound Oil of Roses made by Infusion.
Oil of Sweet Almonds made by Expression.
The Oil of Eggs by Expression.
Of Collyrium 's.
Of Powders.
A Powder against Madness or Frenzy.
Which are contain'd in every Chapter .
A Treatise of Chirurgical Diseases.
A Treatise of Wounds, Ulcers, and Sutures,
A Treatise of the Diseases of the Bones.
A Treatise of Chirurgical Operations.
A Treatise of the Operations of Fractures.
A Treatise of the Operations which are perform'd in Luxations.
A Treatise of Medicinal Compositions necessary for a Surgeon.
The END of the TABLE.