Читать книгу I have a problem, and I want a solution: SOLVING PROBLEMS GOD's WAY! - Marco Liporoni - Страница 10

How much am I prepared to work to find solutions?


If we want to build muscles we have to do weight lifting. It requires us to focus in the exercises, have commitment, repeat the effort, and sweat. If we just look at the weights, we will not build muscles.

Similarly with GOD, we have to do our part first. As we draw near to HIM, HE draws near to us [James 4:8]. The key here is that we seek HIM first, with all our hearts [Jeremiah 29:12-13].

We fight our battles first in prayer on our knees, for our struggles are not against flesh and blood but against the spiritual evil forces of this world [Ephesians 6:12]. We commit the time and place, and through persistent and passionate prayer our petitions and supplications can result in much [James 5:16].

Without ceasing, we continue until we receive: ask and we will receive; seek and we will find; knock and the door will be opened [Mathew 7:7]. In the original Greek the tense of the verbs ask [“aiteite”], seek [“zēteite”] and knock [“krouete”] are in the present active imperative, which imply the idea of continuity: ask and keep on asking; seek and keep on seeking; knock and keep on knocking.

Then we let our mouth do the work by proclaiming our victory with the help of the Word of GOD. GOD’s Word has the power to produce the fruit and the success HE intends in the life of believers [Joshua 1:8, Isaiah 55:10-12, Romans 10:9].

It is also useful to have a process journal to help us to stay focused and to see progress, to record any results and challenges we experience, so that we can continue to work on it day after day.

I have a problem, and I want a solution: SOLVING PROBLEMS GOD's WAY!

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