Читать книгу I have a problem, and I want a solution: SOLVING PROBLEMS GOD's WAY! - Marco Liporoni - Страница 17

Where was GOD when it was hurting?


Well, HE favored us in many occasions and I do not believe that we could have stand such a huge stress and long trials without HIS favor, protection and providence.

We were favored by the many professionals engaged in defending us. We were favored in the final legal decisions before the courts.

Even though I had to borrow money to pay for the accumulated legal costs of five years of fighting in the courts, GOD never failed us. We were not in lack. “The young lions do lack, and suffer hunger: but they that seek the LORD shall not want1 any good thing” [Psalms 34:10; (1) Hebrew “ḥāsēr”: to lack; to fail, be abated, decrease, to fail, to have lack, want].

In 2001 GOD also opened the doors and the finances for us to buy our first home, which was a sort of compensation for the emotional losses we were going through. I must say that my wife also deserves a fair share of the credits, for her prayers and faith (perhaps GOD gave us the house because of her).

My marriage was also under constant pressure during this time of legal battles and stress. However, GOD protected us and kept us together when the enemy fought hard to break us apart. In the end we developed an appreciation for all the goodness GOD provided us and learned to “do the best we can with the best we had”.

Perhaps my problems are dwarfed and humbled before your own problems.

However, through those problems I gained experience and a new lease on life. The ambition I had before has been replaced with a sense of balance and perspective. Even though now at occasions I feel frustrated and discouraged with the problems that have stricken me and accumulated over time, my faith in JESUS CHRIST and my relationship with HIM keeps me going and gives me peace: it has become a motivation to live, and a sense and direction in my life when nothing else makes sense.

I have a problem, and I want a solution: SOLVING PROBLEMS GOD's WAY!

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