Читать книгу I have a problem, and I want a solution: SOLVING PROBLEMS GOD's WAY! - Marco Liporoni - Страница 9

How do I find solutions?


By prayer and supplication1, with thanksgiving, we should present our requests to GOD, and the peace of GOD, which surpasses all understanding, shall keep our hearts and minds through JESUS CHRIST [Philippians 4:6-7; (1) Greek “deēsis”: prayer, request, petition]. By praying about every problem and need we have, the peace of GOD will guard our hearts and minds.

At times, as an answer for our prayers and supplications, GOD will resolve or remove our problems, or send help our way. Everyday around the world HE is answering prayers and changing situations and operating miracles in favor of people (according to HIS will). It happened to me on various occasions when I needed healing in my body or with my relationships.

At other times, the problems will still be there after our prayers, for example: a blind person may pray but when they open their eyes they still can not see; a father or mother can pray after a lost child but after they prayed their child is not back. However, above all, GOD promises to guard our hearts and minds and give us the peace that surpasses all understanding!

As we seek HIM, HE gives us the peace, the courage, and the strength to be able to handle problems. And in many circumstances, for myself and for many others I know, GOD’s peace was enough to help us to find solutions or to be able to manage our problems.

I have a problem, and I want a solution: SOLVING PROBLEMS GOD's WAY!

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