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About Problems & Troubles


”GOD is our refuge and strength. A very present help in trouble” [Psalms 46:1].

Trouble (Webster’s Dictionary)

 A source of difficulty: “one trouble after another delayed the job”.

 An event causing distress or pain: “what is the trouble?”, “heart trouble”.

 A strong feeling of anxiety: “he wanted to die and end his troubles”.

 The state of being troubled, disturbance, agitation, uneasiness, vexation or calamity.

 That which gives disturbance, annoyance, or vexation. That which afflicts.

Problem (Webster’s Dictionary)

 A state of difficulty that needs to be resolved: “she and her husband are having problems”, “urban problems such as traffic congestion and smog”.

 A question raised for consideration or solution: “our homework consisted of ten problems to solve”.

 A source of difficulty: “what’s the problem?”.

 A question proposed for solution, a matter stated for examination or proof, a matter difficult of solution or settlement, a doubtful case, a question involving doubt.

 Anything which is required to be done, as in geometry (to bisect a line, to draw a perpendicular), or in algebra (to find an unknown quantity).

A problem is a matter or a situation that we need to solve or we would like to solve (for example: a puzzle, a mathematical equation, to bake a cake, to fix the car, to be able to sleep at night, to balance the family budget, to feed the family, to be able to find a wife/husband). When solving problems we can have fun or distress. Some problems are fun to solve, like a puzzle, or a word quiz. Fixing a car can be a fun problem for some. Balancing a budget can be a fun problem for an accountant (especially if it is not their own budget).

A trouble is a problem that anguishes us. That causes distress, pain, discomfort, anxiety. For example: financial problems, a disease, relational problems, legal problems, not finding a job, not being able to feed the family, an addiction. We often use the word “Problem” intending the same meaning as trouble. For example, the Oxford dictionary defines a problem as “A matter or situation regarded as unwelcome or harmful and needing to be dealt with and overcome: they have financial problems; marital problems, problems with the law.

Depending on our personal situation or history, some problems can be a source of trouble or not. For example, changing a light bulb can be a source of stress if it needs to be done and we have a physical impediment that prevents us from doing it. I have a number of friends that can fix their cars without a second thought or a shadow of doubt. However, one of the areas that I am less skilled with is car mechanics. So, whenever I have to fix things in my car I do feel a bit anxious and reluctant. Often I have to pay someone else to do it for me, even though I would like to do it myself.

In John 16:33 JESUS reminds us that in this world we will have tribulation. As a general principle, JESUS alerts us that not only we will have intellectual challenges or situations to solve (problems), but also these will cause us to suffer, to be distressed, to be anguished, and anxious (trouble).

Troubles should be expected in life. As author Christine Caine points out in her book “I am not who I thought I was”, we will be disappointed if we think the main goal in life is to escape pain and problems.

Troubles are a consequence of the fallen and sinful world we live in: the whole nature is in a state of dying and decomposition waiting to be delivered from the bondage of corruption [Romans 8:19-22].

As soon as we are born our bodies start its journey from growth to death. Diseases abound with viruses, bacteria, fungus, and other parasites that cause us to get sick and die. Many of the existing viruses we have a cure for can and do mutate: the common flu is mutating all the time, and that is why there is still not a remedy to stop it. Even old plagues can return to cause trouble: in October 2010 an outbreak of cholera in Tahiti proved to be so fatal because there has not been cholera there for the last 100 years, and the present population has not developed any immunity against the bacteria.

Our bodies are a miracle from GOD. However when a skull breaks or the spine cord is severed, a lung is perforated, an artery is blocked, or the heart stops, there is not much that can be done. Unless medical science intervenes, death is the most likely natural consequence.

As well, there are genetic imperfections (or mutations) that will result on heart failure, cancer, leukemia, Alzheimer’s disease, and many other degenerative diseases. And even though our life span is increasing thanks to advances in medical and pharmaceutical technology, we have exposed ourselves to so many more new dangers as airplanes, cars, machines, weapons, pollution, radiation (from phones to power-lines), stresses, and even fun radical sports that multiply the chances of us dying, getting hurt or sick. Things that we rely on do break up, wear out, and malfunction all the time (for example: airplanes, trains, cars, lifts, buildings, bridges).

The amazing powers of nature are totally uncontrollable and easily can dwarf our daily existence. Earthquakes, volcanoes, tsunamis, cyclones, hurricanes, floods, droughts, thunder storms, heat waves, extra freezing weather conditions and snow storms.

In the period between 2010 and 2011, we had extra cold conditions in the Northern hemisphere; huge floods in Pakistan, Brazil, Colombia, Madagascar, the Philippines, and Australia; Earthquakes in Chile, New Zealand, and Japan. The earthquakes in Japan created tsunami waves of over 5 meters that carried huge ships onto the coast. Who or what can uphold forces of such scale? The result: thousands and thousands of lives lost, millions of people left homeless, billions and billions of dollars required to rebuild what was destroyed.

Mental and emotional diseases like anger, jealousy, envy, lust, bitterness, wrath, malice, blasphemy, filthy desires, lies, disobedience, foolishness, deceit, hate, guile, hypocrisies, evil speaking, selfishness, and uncleanness can cause us much pain and suffering [Ephesians 4:31, Colossians 3:8-9, Titus 3:3, 1 Peter 2:1], and even cause us diseases.

Are also fatal the use of drugs, drinking, smoking, eating too much or not eating enough, not resting enough or resting too much, working too hard or not working at all, not having any pleasure and having too much pleasure.

Our reliance on money can also be a root of many troubles: financial crisis, unemployment, bad financial decisions, greed, too many financial commitments, bankruptcy, etc.

Certainly evil spiritual forces operating in our world since the beginning of the times are another cause of emotional and physical trouble. In the first chapter of the book of Job we learn from verses 10-12 that GOD lifts his protection over Job and puts all that Job has under Satan’s power, except Job himself. As a result of that, Satan causes Job to loose his children and all his wealth. In Job 2:7, after GOD’s permission, “went Satan forth from the presence of the Lord, and smote Job with sore boils from the sole of his foot unto his crown”. King Saul was tormented by an evil spirit after the Spirit of GOD departed from him, which led him into insanity and to become jealous of David [1 Samuel 16:14]. Jesus healed many sick people under the influence of evil spirits [Mark 1:23, Mark 5:2, Mark 7:25, Mark 9:25, Luke 13:11]. Paul suffered because of what he calls a messenger from Satan [2 Corinthians 12:7].


Reading suggestion: in his book “Where is GOD when it hurts?”, Philip Yancey takes us in a journey through the common elements of pain and suffering (physical and emotional) in the lives of several people whose daily existence challenges anyone to understand why GOD can allow so much misery and hurt in this world. From the many stories in the book, we can learn that even in the midst of pain and suffering, many of these people can find peace and joy in life once they learn how to manage their troubles, submit to GOD and draw from HIS power.


Large or small, problems and troubles exist to be overcome: sometimes in order that we can live a life to the full, sometimes for our growth, and sometimes for the glory of GOD [John 11:4].

Many problems can bring us closer to GOD or even help people to see the existence of GOD or be lead into eternal salvation. Therefore it is important to be ready to handle not only the “good problems” but also all the troubles we will experience as we live in this world.

The better we get at handling our problems and troubles GOD’s way the less afflicted, anguish, and distressed we will be, and more able to glorify GOD more often we will become. Perhaps even become better at solving many of our problems and troubles.

We should make a goal in life to become good problem managers and to seek GOD first for help, both with small and big problems, with occasional and persistent problems.

I have a problem, and I want a solution: SOLVING PROBLEMS GOD's WAY!

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