Читать книгу I have a problem, and I want a solution: SOLVING PROBLEMS GOD's WAY! - Marco Liporoni - Страница 7

I have a problem. As a matter of fact, I have many problems. Who doesn’t?


The Bible says that we are all sinners and we all fall short of the Glory of GOD [Romans 3:23]. As a result of that state of being sinners, we all have problems that cause us troubles (worries, anxieties, and sufferings). All these troubles are a consequence of the fallen world we live in: decay, death, diseases, pain, suffering, persecution, evil, accidents, natural disasters, disagreements, loneliness, fear, bondages, communication breakdown … and the list goes on and on.

Some of our problems can be really big - such as with the loss of loved ones, or diseases that cripple or pain us. Other problems are just small as having to do school homework and everything else in between. Some problems seem impossible - such as healing from a broken spine or rising from the dead. Other problems seem as uncomplicated as changing a light bulb (which can be rather difficult for some people).

JESUS said “These things I have spoken unto you, that in ME you might have peace. In the world you will have tribulation: but be of good cheer; I have overcome the world” [John 16:33].

As a general principle, JESUS makes it clear that in this world it is certain that we will experience “tribulation” at a certain time in our lives. The Greek word used in the book of John for “tribulation” is “thlipsis” meaning “affliction, anguish, distress, tribulation, trouble”.

From John 16:33 we can extract three principles that can help us when facing tribulation in our daily life:

 We ought to be of “good cheer1”, have courage, hope, and faith [(1) Greek “tharseó”: to have courage].

 In HIM, in HIS NAME, through HIS power we find peace - for JESUS is the Prince of “Peace2 [Isaiah 9:6; (2) Hebrew “shālôm”: health, prosperity, well-being, blessings, peace].

 HE has already “overcome3 the world’s troubles, and therefore in HIM - in HIS NAME, through HIS power - we receive victory. In Romans 8:37 the Apostle Paul says that even in “tribulation, or distress, or persecution, or famine, or nakedness, or peril, or sword” we are “more than victorious4” through CHRIST [(3) Greek “nikaō”: to subdue, conquer, overcome, prevail, get the victory; (4) Greek “hyper-nikaō”: hyper-conquer, hyper-victory].

Therefore, instead of running away from problems or trying to solve them through our own efforts, it is better to learn from GOD’s wisdom how to solve problems through HIS help and power!

I have a problem, and I want a solution: SOLVING PROBLEMS GOD's WAY!

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