Читать книгу Peak Nutrition - Maria Hines - Страница 19

Anchor Three: Switch to Water or Zero Calorie Drinks.


If you are not a water drinker, you can start by adding flavors that are sweetened with stevia or natural flavors, electrolytes, or fresh squeezed lime or lemon juice. It’s important to set this anchor because you want to avoid drinking your calories as often as you can. It’s easy to add hundreds of calories to your daily diet with flavored lattes, alternative milk drinks, kombucha, soft drinks, and energy drinks. These drinks also often have additives as well as a lot of caffeine and sugar, which makes it hard to perform your best as an outdoor athlete. Drinking herbal tea can help reduce cravings for other drinks, plus it can help lower your stress levels and hydrate you at the same time. There are a lot of different sweet herbal teas that can delight the taste buds when you need something to take the edge off.

If you see it, you will drink it, so always keep a water bottle on your desk or in your hand. This will help make sure that you drink consistently through the day. Try not to wait until you are thirsty before taking a sip. At that point you are already dehydrated and it will take a lot more to replenish your reservoir. Having a nice water bottle can make a difference too. We go deeper into hydration in chapter 6, How Fuel Provides Energy.

Peak Nutrition

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