Читать книгу Peak Nutrition - Maria Hines - Страница 22

Anchor Six: Get To Know Your Eating Habits.


For long-term change and confidence, get to know your eating habits. Emotions have a surprising amount of influence on the choices we make throughout the day. And the more choices you have to make, the worse your choices become.

Take note. (When we say “take note,” we mean actually write this down.) When do you find yourself eating foods that aren’t optimal for your health? What time of day? Where are you? Who is around you? Which emotions summon certain cravings? Does the feeling of being tired change your food choices? All of these factors will influence what choices you make.

Grocery shopping is often a time when cravings take over. To prevent this, eat before going grocery shopping. Being full and satisfied will make shopping a breeze. You won’t start putting “good idea, Oreos!” into your cart. Instead, you will zip around the perimeter of the store not even noticing the colorful bags of chips on the racks that you pass.

Additionally, the more you can prep your meals and plan your days, the fewer choices you will have to make. If you have premade meals stashed in your fridge or freezer, when you are cranky and tired all you have to do is pull out the premade dinner and eat it. You’ll feel better right away.

Meal prepping does take a lot of practice and will be time consuming when you first start; however, the more you practice, the faster and easier and more enjoyable it becomes! Some other strategies are cooking one or two meals in bulk, then finding friends who will do the same and swapping meals. If you do this with two other friends, that’s six different meals for the week in just a few hours.

Peak Nutrition

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