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You have to master the basics and focus on the fundamentals 80 percent of the time. Learning to climb, backcountry ski, mountain bike, or even backpack can’t come from just reading a book. Eating well can’t come from reading this book either. You have to take these tools, practice them, fail a lot, and keep going. Don’t get bogged down by the details yet!

In order to stick to the basics (the peak nutrition anchors), you have to include this next step, the secret sauce of improvement and seeing results: consistency. But how do you get consistent? The trick is to find out what really matters to you and why, then create a system to reach your goals. To establish goals and stay motivated (so you can be more consistent), follow these steps:

•Know who you are (identity).

•Know what you stand for (values).

•Create goals that fit your identity and values.

•Plan for failure.

•Measure your progress.

•Make it a habit.

“We have uphill dreams and uphill growth goals, but our habits are downhill. Consistency compounds. It’s a high-return habit. Every day, consistency builds up just a little. You’re getting better every day. Don’t think you are trying to get better by tomorrow, get better today. If you have good actions, you are bridging your intentionality, to be mindful of what you want.”

—John Maxwell

Goals that don’t have much meaning to you personally will be challenging to follow through on. Even if you think a goal is the best in the world, you won’t be motivated to work toward it if it doesn’t resonate deeply with you. For your goals to take shape, first figure out how you identify yourself and what your values are. When you think of a goal, think about how it fits into your values and identity. From there you can match your behaviors to your identity, values, and goals. And from there, you can break goals down into outcome and process goals, which will lead to consistent habit formation, rather than a reversion to old habits.

Peak Nutrition

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