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Beginning at around age 30, there is often a marked difference in how you recover from training and big days outside. Between the ages of 30 and 60, there is a slow decline in performance. Once you hit 60 or so, the process of aging increases rapidly. This is especially true for those who are sedentary, who don’t work out, and who haven’t consistently eaten well over the years. The human body has 35 trillion cells that have to regenerate and replicate themselves over and over. With each replication, there is DNA damage. It’s like making a copy of a picture in a photocopier, then copying that copy, then copying that copy, and so on. By the end, you have a very fuzzy, diluted version of the original picture. Essentially, this is what is happening to your body. DNA damage is caused by oxygen free radicals that are by-products of cell regeneration. They also come from your environment, stress, food, and even exercise.

Peak Nutrition

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