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Anchor Seven: Experiment.


This is the “nice to have” anchor and not necessarily an essential part of your nutrition, but we do think it’s important to know yourself as best as you can. Experimenting is one great way to know if you are allergic to certain foods, to see if certain protocols work better for you, if certain macronutrient percentages are better, and so on. We highly recommend trying this step only once you have consistently stayed on track with the other anchors.

Top three experiments to try first:

•FODMAP elimination protocol. If you have allergies, prioritize this one to make sure you get rid of the foods that are causing you discomfort and inflammation.

•24-hour fast. I love this experiment because it really does change how you feel hunger.

•Intermittent fasting. This also changes how you feel hunger but because it is done over a longer time frame, you will notice a fairly quick change of your normal eating habits.

For more information about FODMAP, see the section on food intolerances in chapter 5, Guts and Brains, and for more information on fasting, see the section on the benefits of fasting in chapter 4, Longevity and the Aging Athlete.

Peak Nutrition

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