Читать книгу Facing the Other Way: The Story of 4AD - Martin Aston - Страница 8
Оглавление1 Did I Dream You Dreamed About Me?
2 Piper at the Gates of Oundle
6 The Family That Plays Together
7 Dreams Made Flesh, but It’ll End in Tears
8 The Art Shit Tour and Other Stories
9 Le Mystère des Delicate Cutters
11 To Suggest is to Create; to Describe is to Destroy
12 With Your Feet in the Air and Your Head on the Ground
13 An Ultra Vivid Beautiful Noise
16 A Tiny Little Speck in a Brobdingnag World
17 America Dreaming, on Such a Winter’s Day
18 All Virgos are Mad, Some More than Others
19 Fuck You Tiger, We’re Goin’ South
20 Feel the Fear and Do It Anyway