Читать книгу ShoeShine Kids - Mary Cullen - Страница 13



I dedicate this book to you, my brothers and sisters. We made it through all the cold winter nights and hungry bellies. We had nothing, yet had everything we needed – each other. I thank God for having all of you in my life. The bond we shared could never be broken. Even through death, you are all in my soul. Forever. Joey, it’s you and me kid. You’re the only one who knows of all our adventures. We know where we came from, and how far we have traveled in our little red car. Forever, we are the ShoeShine Kids. To my husband Jerry, we have come so far, too. Our love has always remained a constant in my life. As the years have passed, I never thought I could love you any more than I already did, but I do. You were my first love, my only love. You gave me everything I craved as a child; someone to love. We made a special life together, one that not too many people ever find. We may not have had money, beautiful homes, or cars, but we still share a love so unyielding we could never do without it! To my children, Kim, Jerry, Shawn, and Eddie: every single one of you is magnificent. Kim, you are everything I have ever wanted to be. Jerry you are my smile. Shawn, you are my pride, and Eddie, you will always be my baby. Your spouses are the icing on the cake. They all ground you, and I love them all very much. David is the rock who holds my Kim together. Jen is Shawn’s soul, Maryanne is Jerry’s home, and Nancy is Eddie’s guiding light. To Rachel, Leah, Jerry, Ian, Jacob, Shawn, Grace, Luke, Anna, Jonathon and Ryann, you are my happiness.

ShoeShine Kids

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