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Introductory Lyda


Lyda was amazing and the glue that kept our family together. She had it all; looks, brains and an unyielding integrity that I had never seen in a child. She was 4' 11" and in that little body she held the stature of a giant. She was caring and almost like our mother. If we were wrong, she wouldn't hesitate in letting us know. When we were hurt, she helped us through it. She was loved by us all. She was a strong believer, but did not preach. Helen and Lyda were determined to keep us together. I was so proud of her. Lyda had two daughters and two sons whom she adored. Her husband, Jim, meant the world to her. Lyda had a way of always making me feel like I was somebody, and strongly encouraged me to write this book. I know for sure, that without her, the ShoeShine Kids would never have stayed so closely knit. I wanted so badly to repay her. Lyda, I adored you.

ShoeShine Kids

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