Читать книгу ShoeShine Kids - Mary Cullen - Страница 6

Introductory Mark


Mark was the only one who loved our father and he always felt guilty about it. He was also a momma’s boy. Mark would go singing with our father, from one bar to the next, and dance too. He put Bo Jangles to shame. Mark was very handsome when he was younger, and the girls loved him. He was not a macho man though; he had a childlike exuberance. I loved that about him. The littlest things made him happy, at least up until his divorce. He had two beautiful daughters. He adored his grandchildren, and most of his time was spent with them. He found his happiness in life's simple things, mainly golf and family. He would get so excited over them both. I loved him so much and enjoyed being with him. We spent the majority of our time together during the last 18 months of Mark’s life. He had a job picking up children for summer day camp. Since he was like Helen and could not read well, weeks before the job was to start we got a copy of his route. We ran over it again, and again, hoping they would not add anyone else to his schedule. We had so much fun during this time. This was before GPS, and I had no sense of direction, and he could not read. Needless to say, we made a great team!

ShoeShine Kids

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