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Introductory Betty


Betty had a personality that was bigger than life. She was the fun one in our family. She kept us all in stitches, all the time. She always had a saying for everything, and always said them backwards. She had so many friends, people would just gravitate to her. She had jet-black hair and great big, brown eyes. My gram would call her Gypsy Rose Lee. She told one story after the other. Even the adults loved Betty. She was my friend, not just a sister. I was not open like her, so when she was around, her friends were my friends too. Even though Betty was older than me, it was easy to get her to do what you wanted. It seemed like she was the younger sister. Betty will always be my best friend. Love is not enough to describe our Betty. She was divorced and had four children, two boys and two girls. They had it rough when they were young, but Betty loved them with all her heart.

ShoeShine Kids

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