Читать книгу ShoeShine Kids - Mary Cullen - Страница 3
ОглавлениеA Special Thank You to the ShoeShine Kids.
When your mother passes and your father abandons you, I believe there is a feeling of not belonging to anyone. With this despair, I am amazed that my sisters and brothers had such love and empathy for one another. That is just one of the reasons I wanted to write this book. To me, they were truly amazing. I could never repay them for the repeated sacrifices they made to try and keep us together. To some, we were the orphans, but to each other, we were so much more than that. I wanted to complete this book to show the next generation how selfless you all were, and to show them how love can matter. To Lyda, Helen, Mark, Betty, Charlie, Margie and Joe, all of your children should be so proud. Years from now I hope your grandchildren, and their children, will see all the courage and dignity their family had, so many years ago, when they were only the ShoeShine Kids. I will love you forever.
Thank you to my daughter, Kimberly, for all of her help. She took my work and showed me how to continue.
To David, thank you for all of your love and support.
Thank you to Stephanie Spina for all of her help.
Thank you, Jennifer, for all of your help. You took time from your busy life whenever I needed you.
Thank you,Maryanne, for all your help; without you, my dream would never have come true.
To my boys: Shawn, Edward and Gerald, thanks for always being there for me and cheering me on.
To Nancy - You are always there for me whenever I need you.
It was my life-long dream to complete this book. Without the help of all of you, I would never have realized my dream was possible.
My husband, Jerry, I thank you for realizing what this meant to me. I love you so very much.