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3.3 Finding the best office space


If you choose to rent office space, you’ll have some important decisions to make. You need to decide on the size and location of the office. You will also have to consider the layout of the office and if the space will be a comfortable and productive space to work. The most important thing to consider is how much it will cost to rent the space.

Only you can determine what the best office space for you will be. It will be largely based on your values of what a comfortable environment is to you. There is a minimum size that you should consider having. The smallest area you could probably get away with is approximately a 12 feet by 12 feet office area (approximately 140 square feet). Your office space should be clean, inviting, and have a restroom close by. Having a window to the outside world is also something to consider. If you don’t have these basic elements, then you may be looking for a bigger space to accommodate your basic needs.

There is also the consideration of where this office building will be located. Consider the fact that you’ll probably be able to rent a larger, classier office space located in a small town for the same price that you would pay to rent a small 12 by 12 room in a large city. Another thing to be mindful of is that you will probably pay a little of a premium due to the fact that most offices don’t promote renting such small offices, but rather try to encourage and attract the larger businesses.

Start & Run a Graphic Design Business

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