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Obstructs to Having a Positive Mindset


Do you want to be happy? Do you believe in yourself? Do you believe in your purpose of life? What are you here on this planet for? Do you love people? Do you like those around you? Do you like your children, parents, wife/husband, neighbors, and colleagues? If the answer is ‘yes’ then you are probably one of those billions who want to be happy. No one wants misery or unhappiness.

We need to work on being happy. Wishing is not good enough. One of the most effective tools in being happy is knowledge, and as the old saying goes, knowledge is power. With knowledge you can do miracles. However, it will be best if you know those things that obstruct positive feelings, vibes, initiations, and actions.

Before we explain what positive thinking is, we need to understand why some people think negatively? Using common sense, we might derive that such individuals are either afraid or unconfident of change in their life, or the negative state of mind they are in is an effect of their uprising, growth, environment, family, learning, bad role model, psychological problem left in the unconscious mind and is feeding their conscious mind.

Those deep psychological barriers cause an obstruction to change, in other words, fear of change. If we want change, then we have to welcome change in whatever form it may come in, hard or easy, to change those negative values built in our deep conscious minds and factor out all the fear elements.

It is important that we try and understand fear and the factors contributing towards it so that we may equip ourselves with the knowledge which will guide us towards an appropriate solution to counter fear. Disregarding whatever has been said about fear thus far, a little fear is always healthy as it gives you the thrive and motivation to go that extra mile.

Personal Development With Success Ingredients

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