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Using 52 Cards and the Foregoing Interpretations.

Take a pack of fifty-two cards and shuffle them three times well over, and making the significator whichever queen you please (if a lady performs the operation for herself; or king, if a gentleman), then proceed to lay them on the table, nine in a row, and wherever the operator finds himself placed, count nine cards every way, not forgetting the said significator, then it will be seen what card the significator comes in company with, and read from that.

When several diamonds come together, the interpretation is that some money will soon be received; several hearts, love; several clubs, drink and noisy troublesome company; several spades, trouble and vexation.

If two red tens come next to the significator marriage or prosperity, the ace of hearts is the house, the ace of clubs a letter, the ace of spades death, spite, or quarreling (for this is supposed to be the worst card in the pack), the ten of diamonds a journey, the three of hearts a salute, the three of spades tears, the ten of spades sickness, the nine of spades sad disappointment or trouble, to the nine of clubs is ascribed a jovial entertainment or reveling, the nine of hearts feasting, the ten of clubs traveling by water, the ten of hearts some place of amusement, the five of hearts a present, the five of clubs a bundle, the six of spades a child, the seven of spades a removal, the three of clubs fighting, the eight of clubs confusion, the eight of spades a roadway, the four of clubs a strange bed, the nine of diamonds business, the five of spades a surprise, the two red eights new clothes, the three of diamonds speaking with a friend, the four of spades a sick bed, the seven of clubs a prison, the two of spades a false friend, the four of hearts the marriage bed.

If a married lady doth lay the cards, she must then make her husband the king of the same suit she is queen of; but if a single lady, she must make her lover what king she may think proper. The jacks of the same suits are supposed to be men's thoughts, so that they may know what they are thinking of, counting nine cards from where they are placed, and it is said if any lady should wish to know whether she shall obtain her desires in any particular subject, matter, or thing whatsoever, let her shuffle the cards well, most seriously and earnestly wishing all the time for one thing; she must then cut them once, particularly observing at the same time what card that is which she cuts, then shuffle them and deal them out in three parcels, and if that said particular card which she has cut doth come next herself, or next the ace of hearts, it is taken that she will have her wish, but if the nine of spades is next to her she judges the contrary, as that is supposed to be a disappointment; however, she may try it three times, taking the major number of testimonies as a ground whereon to place her judgment. This method of using the cards is both innocent and will afford amusement.

Telling Fortunes by Cards

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