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Table of Contents

This present treatise on the subject of divination by cards is a gathering together in handy form of the best authenticated methods of its ancient practice as handed down from the Romany gypsies and the seeresses that antedate them. As different nations and different times had their varying interpretations of the values of the cards and separate and distinct methods of laying the cards for readings, as well as fundamental differences in their interpretations of the many possible combinations of the various cards, we have decided to lay before you in this work a complete symposium of each, that the reader and student of the art may see before him all the approved methods of the past and choose intelligently that which best pleases or suits his convenience.

All the old and many of the recent authors that have been consulted in the preparation of this book have been found to insist that divination through playing-cards is to be relied upon as a truthful exposition of the past and future and a veritable portent of the future. They desire to be taken seriously. The present editor has no desire to detract from this position if it be a fact, nor does he know that it is not a fact. His part in this work is that of editor, and there ends. Here he presents you with the results of centuries of effort on the part of those who profess to believe sincerely in what they practice and teach, and leaves the reader to place as much or as little credence in the truthfulness of their divinations as he chooses.

Certainly there is a wonderful fascination in the mastering of Cartomancy, in the being able to tell fortunes by the chance falling of the cards into this or that position, and in knowing what each card and grouping is believed to signify in their relations to the person consulting.

Telling Fortunes by Cards

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