Читать книгу Telling Fortunes by Cards - Мохаммед Али - Страница 6



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The would-be adept is advised to study in detail every word in this book, as he would any other lesson he desired to master. Learn the various methods of dealing and of reading the layout; consult the several interpretations of the meanings and learn to apply them, first in reading your own fortune and later that of friends,—this only after you have memorized many of the meanings and acquired a degree of fluency in elaborating the "talk" or "patter" that goes with a successful "reading."

No prophet or seer ever professed that divination by cards is a natural gift. It is universally recognized as being solely the result of study and practice, and can be mastered by anyone who has this book and gives the subject a little thought and sufficient experimental, practical test to acquire proficiency.

Telling Fortunes by Cards

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