Читать книгу Telling Fortunes by Cards - Мохаммед Али - Страница 22



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A pack of fifty-two cards is taken, and after being well shuffled they are turned up one by one, counting one, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight, nine, ten, jack, queen, king (here the ace counts as one). If any card should fall on the number counted—thus, supposing a five comes when five is counted, or a king when that card turns up, it must be taken out and placed on the table, face uppermost, before the dealer. After counting to a king the counting is re-commenced at one. Should two cards follow, such as three and four, eight and nine, etc., these must be abstracted, also three of a kind, such as three tens, three kings, etc., they must also be taken out; but if three of the same suit they may be passed by. When the pack has been carefully gone through, shuffled and cut, the process is gone through twice more, in all three times. They are now all laid out in rows of four and read. When this is done they are gathered together and laid two by two, thus:—

Telling Fortunes by Cards

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