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Ace—Spite, death, or worry; sometimes a large town.

King—A lawyer, widower or old man; a very dark man.

Queen—A very dark woman, a widow; a spiteful, malicious woman.

Jack—Thoughts of king or queen.

Ten—At night-time, imprisonment.

Nine (supposed to be a very bad card)—Grief, suffering, malice, and, with other black cards, death.

Eight—Across water, sometimes treachery.

Seven—Poverty, anxiety and annoyance.

Six—Delay, or a bad character.

Five—Temper, anger and quarrels.

Four—Sickness, sometimes a journey caused through sickness.

Three—By the water, or a very short journey across water.

Two—Tears and vexation, sometimes a removal.

The following is a résumé of most of the cards and some curious combinations:

Four Aces—Honors, dignities, rise in society, or money, friendship with the great; but if all four are reversed, the contrary—debt, bankruptcy, ruin and even disgrace, therefore it is to be noticed particularly how they lie before reading the cards.

Four Kings—Great good luck, unexpected advancement, good and unlooked-for fortune.

Four Queens—Society, pleasure, amusements.

Four Jacks—Thoughts of either king or queen of each suit, friendly gathering.

Four Tens—Great gain, legacies, happiness.

Four Nines—Unexpected and sudden news; if two blacks together, not pleasant; if two reds, excellent.

Four Eights—New appointments, sometimes new associations; two black eights together, mourning; two reds, wedding garments.

Four Sevens—Intrigues, scandal, opposition and variance.

Four Sixes—A great surprise or change; two black ones together, vexations; two red ones, good.

Four Fives—A long and beneficial voyage, money, happiness and health; if two blacks are near, vexation first.

Four Fours—A birth; two blacks together, a male; two reds, a female.

Four Threes—Period of time from six to twelve months; sometimes gain or money returned.

Four Twos—Visitors; two blacks together, disagreeable; two reds, pleasant, and sometimes love-making.

Three Aces—Great good luck.

Three Kings—A new friend or acquaintance who will advance you in life.

Three Queens—Quarrels, disputes, backbiting.

Three Jacks—A lawsuit or treachery.

Three Tens—A rise in social life, but not necessarily happiness with it.

Three Nines—A good removal, unless accompanied by very bad cards.

Three Eights—Love dreams, and longing for the unattainable, but often wishes or desires postponed; in some cases fresh engagements, but a little worry in obtaining them.

Three Sevens—Losses of friendship or property; reversed, you will never recover your goods.

Three Sixes—A very large and brilliant entertainment; if the two black ones come together, disgrace or scandal.

Three Fives—A delightful and happy meeting with absent friends.

Three Fours—Strangers or visitors coming to the house from a journey.

Three Threes—Slight annoyances or vexation caused by malicious tongues.

Three Twos—A good and staunch friend, but one who will grieve you by a queer temper.

Two Aces—Strange news quick and speedy, often good luck; two blacks, a telegram; two reds, a pleasant invitation.

Two Kings—A partnership or friendship.

Two Queens—A good female friend.

Two Jacks—Unpleasantness, sometimes only thoughts of people.

Two Tens—Change of residence or profession.

Two Nines—A good removal, sometimes business projects or documents, in many cases relating to a will.

Two Eights—An extraordinary occurrence.

Two Sevens—Sometimes sudden and unexpected; two blacks, great treachery, especially if reversed.

Two Sixes—A good friend; two blacks, a nasty, deceitful person, or a great danger, possibly an accident.

Two Black Fives—Danger from falls, or possibly by water.

Two Red Fives—Joyful and unexpected news.

Two Black Fours—Separation or unfriendly meetings.

Two Red Fours—Good appointments, or good luck.

Two Red Threes—Pleasant and profitable visitors and friends.

Two Black Threes—Disappointment and tears.

Two Black Twos—A departure.

Two Red Twos—An arrival.

The Ace, Nine, Ten and Seven of Spades—Divorce.

Seven and Nine of Spades—Separation.

Eight of Spades and Seven of Clubs—Prison, or confinement.

Six and Four of Spades—Sickness and danger.

Eight and Five of Spades—Malignity, caused by jealousy.

Six and Seven of Spades—Treachery, scandal, vexation.

Seven and Two of Spades—Tears caused by unfounded reports—often a false friend.

Nine and Six of Spades—A bitter and implacable enemy; if good cards follow, you will overcome, but if bad ones, he or she will triumph.

Three and Two of Spades—A short and not agreeable journey.

Seven of Hearts and Three of Spades—A journey and a strange adventure thereon.

Seven, Six and Five of Spades—Thieves, or danger of robbery.

Queen and Jack of Spades—Widowhood.

Nine and Ten of Spades—Danger by fire.

Six and Seven of Spades reversed—A fall or injury.

Eight and Ten of Spades—News at night, but not very pleasant.

Ten, Eight and Five of Spades—Broken engagement, or unfulfilled promise.

Six and Eight of Spades—Delay, postponement.

Nine, Seven, Six and Five of Spades—Bankruptcy.

Ace of Diamonds and Ten of Hearts—A marriage engagement.

Ace of Diamonds and Nine of Hearts—Hopes fulfilled.

Ten of Hearts and Four of Hearts—Marriage.

Three Tens and Five of Hearts—Happy love returned.

Eight of Hearts and Seven of Hearts—Doubt and indecision about an offer.

Seven of Hearts reversed—A nice and good present.

Three of Diamonds and Three of Hearts—In nine days.

Nine of Hearts and Nine of Diamonds—A delightful surprise about money.

Nine of Hearts and Nine of Clubs—Something to do about a will, in which the consultor is generally successful.

Eight of Hearts and Nine of Hearts—Great good luck through love.

Ace, Nine, Seven and Four of Spades—Death.

Telling Fortunes by Cards

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