Читать книгу Calisthenics X Mobility - Monique König - Страница 7



Hey there, bar fans and moving monkeys!

Calisthenics & Mobility is our labor of love. Over the past three years, we’ve been able to help lots of people acquire a healthier, stronger, and more confident lifestyle by following our workshop series.

In Germany, Austria, and Switzerland we made anyone who trained diligently “as flexible as a monkey and as strong as a gorilla.” Due to our participants’ exceedingly positive feedback, we thought about how we could inspire even more people to do the same.

This book allows us to bring our movement concept for longevity out into the world to accompany you on your very own Calisthenics & Mobility journey.

Our journeys began in early childhood. To both of us, growing up with competitive sports meant learning early on to work for a physical goal. Character, for each of us, was shaped by discipline, willpower, and performance which could all be accessed anytime. Competitive sports created a positive attitude toward our bodies in motion. Four to five training sessions per week and competitions on weekends taught us that hard physical work can be very rewarding. Our sessions helped us grow physically, mentally, and emotionally.

The joy of movement was so great for us that we both chose a career path that would allow us to share our knowledge and personal experience with you. The essence of our concept is this: reaching your goal healthy and pain-free.

Calisthenics & Mobility refers to the symbiotic relationship between strength and mobility. We’ll show you the most-important principles of these two interconnected areas. Both can be viewed as separate elements, but in this book, they should be viewed as an interrelated construct with a correlated and positive effect.

The content of this book focuses on resistance training with one’s own body, specifically with calisthenics. This isn’t a new type of sport but, rather, a neologism. Calisthenics could be considered the modern gymnastics. It prioritizes progressive strength increase via the basics (e.g., pull-ups, push-ups, dips, and knee squats).

Mobility training as a fitness-related ability is often neglected in favor of strength.

Most underestimate the fact that a greater degree of motion results in more strength.

Mobility training creates the balance between movement without strength and rigid strength.

At the same time, you’ll get more long-term enjoyment from your training, due to fewer injuries, and when you are in pain, you’ll have the right exercises at hand.

This book is intended to get you to move. For us, it’s not about bulging muscles. Rather, we want you to learn to understand your body.

We’ll teach you which technical details of the exercises are important so your musculoskeletal system will enjoy long-term good health. We’ll provide you with the most-important know-how so you’ll be able to use different, helpful tools from your tool kit.

With all the input you’ll receive, please keep in mind the following during your journey:

1. Anyone can work with mobility and calisthenics, regardless of age and gender.

2. Every person is an individual with different abilities.

3. There’s no single best method.

4. Don’t think about the approach–just start.

5. Comparing yourself to others won’t help you one bit.

This book does away with lots of preconceived notions in order to give you clear guidelines for your training. Calisthenics is only for tough guys? Flexibility is genetically predetermined? Far from it! We’ll show you how to find long-term joy in training and get stronger and more flexible, all while staying pain-free.

In this spirit, do the following:

Stay loose, flex your biceps.

Keep moving, stay sexy.

Monique & Leon

Calisthenics X Mobility

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