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Chapter 4

"How are you feeling human?" Mira asked Chiyo.

"I have a name you know. My name is Chiyo."

"How are you feeling Chiyo?"

"I am okay. How much farther?"

"We are at the edge of the cave. Soon we will see the Hills of Tansee." Mira said. Inside of the cave was dark but Mira was using her light power to lead the way. She knew that Chiyo was in grave danger. She could sense her future and knew that she was going to be the one to stop Hagikagami. Chiyo was tired and she wanted to rest. She sat on a rock. Chiyo wanted to know why Mira remained hidden for all these years. Mira started telling her about the great war of Hagikagami. Her dynasty was called the Clanzu Dynasty: Masters of the Cherbian water style. Her master was Sin-fu Hasiyama Buto Jung Cadimoto. Many of the warriors of the Clanzu Dynasty had problems pronouncing their master's name. It was too long and hard but with time it only became easier.

Sin-fu Hasiyama Buto Jung Cadimoto was not like many masters. He hardly talked and he never told anyone what he was going to do. He had his reasons. A man who kills a fly is a man that has been stung by a bee. Mira and her master were the closest in the Clanzu Dynasty. Sin-fu Hasiyama Buto Jung Cadimoto taught Mira everything she knew but most of what she learned was what she taught herself. In order to become a master, you must fail thousand times just to master one technique. Mira mastered all the two hundred techniques of the Cherbian water style. Chiyo was amazed she couldn't believe that Mira knew two hundred fighting techniques. Mira told her that in battle it didn't matter how many years you have trained because training will not save you. It is your decision that will. In battle, one must find his or her weak point, in most cases, it's death. That was what many warriors feared but she didn't fear it because she mastered the hardest technique of the Cherbian water style which was reincarnation. At first, Mira thought that death was the absolute answer to life and so the only way to master the reincarnation technique was to use the last of her energy source to create a Tagamoshi: A spirit orb that could take on any form over a period of time. During the great war of Hagikagami, Mirakotu used a deadly blow on Mira causing her to disintegrate quickly. She had no choice but to use the reincarnation technique to create a Tagamoshi. Mirakotu didn't know that Mira had mastered this technique. Mirakotu and Mira used to be lovers. Oftentimes, she and Mirakotu would meet in the sacred forest of Hapitarus to make undefined love. She remembered one day when the rain was militant and the winds were sprinting constantly through the forest Hapitarus. Mirakotu, her love came to look for her but his face was sad and his emotions were hidden. Mira knew that something was wrong with him. She could feel that he was going to betray her. With a kiss on her cheek, he greeted her.

"My love, what seems to be bothering you so deeply that you can't even talk?" Mira asked.

"I believe the shadows of death will come to swallow us one day. Hagikagami is going to reign over the realms and every dynasty will bow before him."

"Everything is going to be fine Mirakotu."

"No, it will not be. White Satan will resurrect his evil brother Hagikagami because he wants him to rule the realms and in return, his brother will share his powers with him. White Satan will become the second most powerful ruler if that happens. I will defeat both of them."

"I understand," Mira said and kissed Mirakotu. Both of them were soaked in water but they didn't care. Mirakotu removed Mira's upper garment and then started sipping on her hard nipples. He pulled them slowly with his mouth while Mira rubbed his crotch. Mira wanted to feel his Greyhound sword into her Clanzu pie. Mira skillfully removed Mirakotu's garment with her fighting technique. Mirakotu removed her lower garment and stared at her hairy Cuzina (In Clanzu language that meant vagina.) Mira admired Mirakotu's Braccasa (In Greyhound language Braccasa meant penis.). Mirakotu and Mira started fighting. Mirakotu forced two of his fingers in Mira’s Cuzina and started finger-poking it. She shoved him off and jumped on him. She wanted to do a 69 while Mirakotu stood. Her Cuzina was on his face and his stiff Braccasa was next to her face. The rain was falling heavily now. Mira gulped the tip of Mirakotu’s Braccasa very slowly while she listened to him moaning. Mirakotu licked Mira's erected mini rod, pulled it with his mouth, and then do a front flip. He landed softly on his back. Mira continued to sip Mirakotu’s Braccasa. Mira did a front flip and landed on his Braccasa. She started riding him without mercy. She was going to make him pay with her wet contracting Cuzina. Mirakotu pushed her off before he erupted into her. Both of them started wrestling on the ground. Mirakotu pinned her down and started thumping her Cuzina from the rare. She started screaming because he was hammering her fast like a machine. Smoke oozed from her Cuzina then she squirted a load of white liquid on him. Mirakotu sprayed his Greyhound sauce all over her body. The rain bathed them properly.

Mira didn't know that Mirakotu would be the one to end her during the Great War. Mirakotu was a betrayer. In order for Mirakotu to fully defeat White Satan and Hagikagami he needed the Kadan-Nitsu. He wanted to become the supreme ruler of the realms. Chiyo told Mira that she was going to do everything that she could to stop Mirakotu and Hagikagami. Mira knew that she was only talking because Hagikagami and Mirakotu were gods.

A Disaca was watching Mira and Chiyo. It could smell that Chiyo was poisoned. Chiyo and Mira walked to the edge of the cave. They could see the thick snow outside. They had reached the Hills of Tansee where the snow never stops. They exited the cave and saw three lifeless Disacas. Chiyo remembered them from the dream she had. Now, she has confirmed that they were real.

"What do you think happened to them?" Chiyo asked Mira.

"It's the snow, it is killing them. It has gotten too cold even the trees are frozen. Chiyo, you must transform before you freeze to death. Hurry. The Kadan-Nitsu will keep you alive." Mira informed Chiyo. She transformed into a warrior.

"Follow me. The snowstorm is getting worse. It has never been like this before. We must find a place to shelter before we are covered in snow." Mira said. She walked off and Chiyo followed her. Chiyo heard a sound so she looked behind her. Two of the lifeless Disacas were missing. Chiyo touched Mira. The women saw a Disaca approaching the other dead Disaca. It sniffed its body and then dragged it into the cave.

"What is that thing doing?" Chiyo asked curiously.

"It is storing food. It is cold outside so it cannot hunt so cannibalism has become a way of survival. Let's continue." Mira said and walked off. Chiyo followed her. The snowstorm was getting worse. The women could hardly see. A bolt of red lightning struck the peak of the Hills of Tansee three times causing an avalanche.

"No, no, this is not good. We had better hold on to something.” Mira said.

"That is not going to work. We have to find a hole," Chiyo looked around and saw a hole underneath a tree, "Over there. We have to make it before the avalanche makes it us." Chiyo said. Chiyo and Mira could hardly walk because the snow was thick and the winds were strong. It was hard but they managed to go into the hole before the avalanche got to them.

"That was close," Mira said.

"Tell me about it. That was too close. Do you think the sons of Chimayoko will find us here?"

"They are not the only enemies that want the Kadan-Nitsu from you. There are many dynasties Chiyo, some that I don't even know about.” Mira answered.

The Hasaihama landed on the peak of the Hills of Tansee. It roared loudly. Mira and Chiyo heard its monstrous roar. Mira knew what it was but Chiyo didn't.

"What's that sound? It sounds like a beast." Chiyo said aloud.

"It is a beast. It is a Hasaihama, the beast of Niyahsho-me river. It is a very determined creature when it comes to hunting someone. Apparently, it’s looking for you."

"I think I remember that beast. I saw it in my dream. I fell in the Niyahsho-me river. It wanted to kill me and I killed it."

"Well, the prophecy is right. You are the chosen one Chiyo. You have to kill this beast."

"So, what about you?"

"I will help. We have to kill it before it kills us. This creature is very smart. It can also camouflage itself. One of its deadliest attacks is using its tail to kill its prey so avoid going next to its tail. The storm is getting worse and we need to go to Mount Doot. At least we can get some rest there."

"Why are we going to Mount Doot?"

"To meet an old friend that can help us with your situation. The poison is getting worse. It is only a matter of time before it completely takes over your entire body."

"Okay, let's do this," Chiyo said. Mira and Chiyo forced themselves out of the thick snow. They had to climb on trees. They couldn't walk in the snow. They jumped from tree to tree. After some minutes, the Hasaihama roared loudly. The Kadan-Nitsu appeared out of Chiyo’s hand and became a sword. The blade was volcanic now. The Kadan-Nitsu had many powers. Chiyo didn't know that the Kadan-Nitsu could adapt to its environment. Now she knew. The Kadan-Nitsu formed a shield around Chiyo. The Hasaihama roared loudly again. It was right in front of Mira and Chiyo. Its eyes were red. It removed its camouflage and attacked Chiyo. It broke the tree that she was on causing her to fall. The Hasaihama almost bite her. She and the beast rolled down the hill. Mira had to think fast. She used her power to create a sturdy snow wall so that Chiyo didn't fall off the cliff below. The Hasaihama fell off but Chiyo and Mira didn't know that it could fly. It flew up and attacked Chiyo. It was determined to kill her. It used its tail against her. Chiyo chopped two of its huge tentacles off. It roared and try to bite her repeatedly. Mira broke a huge tree and used it to hit the Hasaihama. She only made the beast more upset. Chiyo spun the sword and it went on her back and spun like the blade of a helicopter. She started flying upward. Mira used the water particles technique to fly. She was beside Chiyo. Both of the women flew to the peak of Tansee while the Hasaihama chased them on foot. It wanted to kill both of them. The Hasaihama hit the women out the air with its tentacles. Mira got up and helped Chiyo up. Chiyo had the Kadan-Nitsu in her hand. She pointed it at the beast. The beast attacked her. She went underneath it and cut its leg but it still wanted to kill her. It tried to crush Mira with its jaws. Mira held its jaw and turned it on its back. The Hasaihama was vulnerable now.

"Chiyo do it now," Mira shouted. Chiyo jumped on the beast's belly and cut it open with her blade but it wasn't dead. It used its tongue to hit Mira at a distance then got up. Chiyo stood in front of it while blood squirted from its belly. The beast was wounded but it still wanted to kill Chiyo. Chiyo was very upset and she wanted to kill the beast of Niyahsho-me river.

"Neehamooo!" She shouted loudly then she buried the Kadan-Nitsu on the ground creating a powerful attack called Bloast. A volcanic light cracked the earth and went towards the Hasaihama. A sudden earthquake started. The entire hill of Tansee started to shake and even the realms and the human world. It was terrifying. Mira couldn't believe that Chiyo was so powerful. A stone of fire fell from the sky while a bolt of red lightning struck it multiple times. It fell on the Hasaihama killing it. Half of the Hills of Tansee were destroyed. Chiyo removed the Kadan-Nitsu from the ground and fell. The Kadan-Nitsu merged with her body. Chiyo passed out. Her veins were black. Mira knew the poison was getting worse in her body. She lifted her up and flew off. She had to hurry to Mount Doot. Time was against her. Now she was certain that Chiyo could defeat Mirakotu and Hagikagami.

Mirakotu's Curse: The Greyhound Thief

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