Читать книгу Mirakotu's Curse: The Greyhound Thief - Mr. ink - Страница 9


Chapter 3

Nicoyo just entered the apartment. Inside was very quiet. She had a feeling that something strange was happening inside the apartment. She searched the apartment for her husband quietly without making any noise. She heard the bathroom door slammed. She ran into the kitchen for a knife. She could smell the scent of another enemy in her apartment. She noticed the drop of blood on the kitchen counter. She smelled it. It didn't smell like her husband's blood but it smelled like another Greyhound's blood. She walked toward the bathroom. Suddenly, the air became still and the apartment became partly gloomy. She opened the bathroom door. She didn't see her husband. She knew that someone was standing behind her. She didn't even hesitate. She stabbed the man that was in full white behind her. It was White Satan. His hair was white and his skin was very pale. His eyes were white. His blade was black. Nicoyo pulled out the knife and kicked at him but he disappeared. She didn't know why White Satan was after her.

"I know you are in here White Satan. What do you want from me?" Nicoyo asked. White Satan appeared behind her and told her that he wanted her soul and laughed. She tried to stab him and he disappeared. Nicoyo looked at the ceiling and saw her husband. Her husband was hiding from White Satan. White Satan kicked Fujio on the floor and stood in front of his wife. Nicoyo tried to stab him again but he was too fast for her.

"The Greyhounds have gotten so weak. It is a shame, really… I shall use my fingers to fight both of you or even better, I will remove one of my arms to fight you while I sit and watch." White Satan said confidently. He removed one of his arms and throw it at Nicoyo. She started fighting it. It grabbed her throat and Fujio pulled it off. White Satan's arm defeated Nicoyo and her husband. He took up his arm and put it on while he laughed.

"What do you want?" Fujio asked White Satan.

"I want you to tell Mirakotu that my brother Hagikagami will cut his head off. Wait, you have both fled from the Greyhound dynasty. I can sense it. I can also sense the energy fragment of the Kadan-Nitsu." White Satan said. He sniffed Fujio. He grabbed his throat and lifted him up while his wife watched helplessly.

"Tell me where the Kadan-Nitsu is and I will spare your life?" White Satan said to Fujio. Fujio didn't know what he was talking about.

"I don't know what you are talking about. I don't know where the Kadan-Nitsu is."

"I will only ask you one more time Greyhound, where is the Kadan-Nitsu? I can smell the energy fragment in your room. It is coming from one of the drawers. Take me there now." White Satan said. He put Fujio down and Nicoyo got up. Fujio opened the room door. White Satan kicked Fujio and his wife into the room. He entered the room boastfully. The smell of the Kadan-Nitsu was getting stronger. White Satan opened the drawers, searched them, and found the underwear that Fujio stole from Chiyo's clothesline. He sniffed it. Nicoyo couldn't believe that Fujio still had Chiyo's underwear. She was embarrassed.

"I told you to throw that human underwear away and now look what you have caused," Nicoyo said to her husband.

"Silence. Greyhound thief, I want you to bring me to the exact location where you have stolen this underwear. If you choose not to comply I will inform the Greyhound Dynasty about your secret hideout. In fact, you have broken the oath of your tradition. Mirakotu will not be please about your decisions. He will kill both of you without even asking for an explanation." White Satan said.

"I will bring you there," Fujio said.

"Well, we can't leave a woman behind. She has to come too. After all, this was all your fault Fujio." White Satan said. He stood beside Fujio and Nicoyo and put his arms around them. They appeared in front of Chiyo's house. Immediately White Satan could sense the energy fragments of the sons of Chimayoko. He knew that they wanted the Kadan-Nitsu for themselves. Fujio and Nicoyo could sense dark energy in Chiyo's house. White Satan had the ability to see what happened—the future, the past, and the present. He stretched forth his hand and went into a trance. He saw a man in full black exiting Chiyo's yard with a newspaper in his hand. He saw when Chiyo opened the door and the man in full black stood in front of her. White Satan knew who he was but he couldn't remember where he was from. After the man in full black left, Chiyo took out the Kadan-Nitsu: White Satan smiled. He could sense the power of the Kadan-Nitsu. He saw Natari and Magisodo fighting Chiyo. He saw when Magisodo wounded her. White Satan came out of the trance. He couldn't believe what he saw. The Kadan-Nitsu became one with Chiyo. White Satan was curious. He wanted to search the house to find out more about Chiyo. He had the feeling that she was half human and half something else.

"We are going to search the house." White Satan said to Fujio and Nicoyo. Nicoyo opened the door and Fujio went inside first. He looked around while White Satan and Nicoyo entered. Nicoyo closed the door. White Satan wanted to know what Chiyo was doing before Fujio stole her underwear. He went upstairs into her room. Fujio and Nicoyo opened the back door and exited. They wanted to run away but they knew that White Satan would find them eventually. White Satan searched Chiyo's room. He found some documents. Chiyo was born in Ne-yung hospital in 1473 and now it was 3041. Her parents were unknown. White Satan dropped the documents. He confirmed that Chiyo wasn't human. He knew she wasn't human. He sensed a weird type of energy fragment. It came from a master.

He stretched forth his hand and went into a trance. He could see what happened before Fujio stole Chiyo’s underwear. Chiyo entered her room because she heard footsteps. Before she went into her room, Master-Chu was in her room searching for the Kadan-Nitsu. Chiyo entered the room. She knew that someone was there. Master-Chu jumped through the window and a strong wind pushed Chiyo to the ground. It was another Master. It was Chimayoko, Natari and Magisodo's father. Master-Chu was fighting Chimayoko. Chimayoko wanted to kill Chiyo but he couldn't because the Kadan-Nitsu was a part of her. White Satan came out of the trance. All of the other masters wanted the Kadan-Nitsu for themselves to become the supreme ruler. Fujio and Nicoyo saw a blue dragon-sproutt next to a bucket. She knew that only the Greyhound dynasty used dragon-sproutts.

"I think one of our kind is in on this. Nicoyo, only the Greyhound Dynasty uses dragon-sproutts. Something is not right. One of the Greyhound wants the Kadan-Nitsu for themselves." Fujio suggested.

"Yeah, you are right. I think we are going to need this," Nicoyo took up the dragon-sproutt and pushed it in her bosom, "Don't say anything." Nicoyo said to her husband. White Satan walked downstairs. He searched the bathroom. He couldn't sense anything. A shadow ran past outside. White Satan felt it. He looked for Fujio and Nicoyo. He saw the back door opened. He exited and saw Fujio and Nicoyo tied to a tree nearby. A shadow ran past him. It was the warriors of the Shadow Dynasty. They surrounded White Satan. Master-Fufu walked in front of White Satan.

"What are you doing here White Satan?" Master-Fufu asked.

"I should be asking you the same thing Master-Fufu. I can see that the hands of shadow are at play. I think the prize is hard to get."

"And what prize might that be?"

"The Kadan-Nitsu. Don't tell me you didn’t know."

"Go back to your realm White Satan. What we do here in the human realm doesn't concern you."

"Hagikagami has risen and he wants what is truly his. I am just here to relay a message that my brother has given me."

"Tell Hagikagami to prepare for war," Master-Fufu said. He put his blade at White Satan's throat.

"You are making a very big mistake." White Satan said. Master-Fufu laughed. Before Master-Fufu could push his blade in White Satan's throat he used his index finger and shattered his blade. The shadow warriors and Master-Fufu started fighting White Satan while Fujio and Nicoyo tried to free themselves. Nicoyo used the dragon-Sproutt to free herself. She untied her husband. Some of the shadow warriors started fighting them.

White Satan killed most of the shadow warriors. Master-Fufu couldn't believe it.

"Are you ready to die Master-Fufu because I don't have all day? The quicker I kill you the better it is for me to find the Kadan-Nitsu."

"We shall see," Master-Fufu answered White Satan. White Satan grabbed his soul from his body and broke his soul's neck. He threw his soul on the ground while Master-Fufu’s lifeless body dropped on the ground. Fujio and Nicoyo just finish killing the rest of the shadow warriors. They were tired. White Satan told them that he had some places he needed to be then he disappeared. Fujio and Nicoyo disappeared too. They didn't want to be involved in whatever was going on but they were already involved.

Mirakotu's Curse: The Greyhound Thief

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