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Chapter 2

It was evening and the sun was going down. Chiyo reached the cave of many eyes that was hidden behind a waterfall. The cave was three hundred feet above the deadly river below the waterfalls that many called Niyahsho-me. Chiyo flew around the waterfalls and entered the cave. She had lost a lot of blood. She fell on the black rocks. The sword stopped spinning on her back. She held it and it became a dagger.

"Kadan-Nitsu please help me. I am wounded." She said to the Kadan-Nitsu. A water woman came from the waterfalls and walked to where Chiyo was. Her name was Mira. She was an ancient warrior that was defeated by Mirakotu in the great war of Hagikagami. Many claimed that she was dead while a few said that she wanted to be unseen. It was only a myth until now. Chiyo couldn't believe what she was seeing. She was afraid.

"Don't be afraid. I mean you no harm." Mira said. Chiyo gripped the Kadan-Nitsu tightly. She didn't trust Mira. She coughed blood.

"Who are you?" Chiyo asked curiously.

"I am Mira the warrior of the Cherbian water style. You need help. I can help you." Mira said. Chiyo eyes faded and she became unconscious. Mira used her water style to create an orb that she placed on Chiyo's wound to heal her. She looked at the dagger she had and realized that it was the Kadan-Nitsu. She couldn't believe it chose a human over an immortal. She knew that Hagikagami was going to become more powerful than he was before. She could sense the power of the Kadan-Nitsu calling her but she couldn't touch it.

It was morning. Chiyo just woke up. She was in her human form. She had the Kadan-Nitsu in her hand still. She looked around and didn't see Mira, the lady that she met last night. She got up, touched her stomach and realized that she was healed. Some eyes appeared on the rocks and the cave. They were watching Chiyo. Whenever she turned around they closed their eyes. Chiyo knew that something was watching her but she couldn't see what it was. A Disaca came from out of the rock. It was four feet tall and it walked on all four. It had the figure of a human but it wasn't. It had no eyes and its skin was grey. More Disacs came out of holes in the cave. Their chisel teeth were ready to taste human flesh. They attacked Chiyo. They wanted to eat her alive. She fought some of them but there were too many in numbers.

She had no choice but to jump off the edge of the cave where the waterfalls shielded. She used the Kadan-Nitsu to transform her into a warrior. She fell into the river below called Niyahsho-me. She surfaced the water. The river was deep and the creatures that lurked below were ferocious. A monster Hasaihama attacked Chiyo. It looked like an alligator but it had tentacles on its tale and it was huge. It tried to swallow Chiyo but she managed to escape from its powerful jaws. The force of its jaws pushed her backward. She hit on a rock. Chiyo came out of the water and the Hasaihama followed her. It wanted to eat her. She jumped in its mouth and cut its gut open killing it. The huge Penguanas in the water ate all of the Hasaihama within a minute. Chiyo came out of the water and ran into the forest. She wanted to be far away from the deadly river. She pressed her back against a tree to rest and a weird spider went on her shoulder. She killed it. The tree started fighting her. She killed it and looked around. She continued deeper into the dark forest until she reached a big piece of log. Chiyo realized that the log was strange. She poked it with her Kadan-Nitsu and it slithered away. It was a snake.

"I hate this freaking forest," Chiyo uttered in frustration. The wind became still and the bushes started listening as she walked farther into the forest of many shapes. Suddenly, she felt dizzy and the fangs of death came upon her. She went on her knees and started vomiting black blood. She was mystified. A strong wind pushed her to the ground. She heard footsteps coming toward her. It was a man in full black and he had no face. His hands were covered in Hatoshi-yaka: a rare metal that could take on any form and was said to be impenetrable. It was silver. He also wore a boot that was made out of Hatoshi-yaka. The man in full black face was black smoke. Chiyo stared at him while black blood oozed from her mouth.

"What do you want?" Chiyo asked.

"The poison that runs through your veins doesn't have a cure. The sons of Chimayoko have cursed you with the deadliest and rarest poison of the Atribiam realm. You must not let them get the Kadan-Nitsu. You have many enemies Chiyo. You have two months and one week before the poison fully kills you. The only thing keeping you alive is the Kadan-Nitsu. If you lose it you will surely die."

"Who are you?"

"In time you will know but for now you need to go back in your corporeal form or otherwise you will be trapped in the spirit realm."

"How do I go back?"

"I will help you." The man in full black said. He took out three dragon-sproutts and gave her. A dragon-sproutt was a coin that shaped like a dragon with a C curve at the tail. The dragon-sproutt had three colors: silver, blue and green. The dragon sproutt had two purposes: the first purpose was to go into the spiritual realm (otherwise known as Sancaaya) and the second was to come out of it. The green dragon-sproutt was to open the spiritual realm to go back in the corporeal form-the human world. The silver dragon sproutt was to go inside of the spiritual realm. The blue dragon-sproutt was to contact the man in full black. All she had to do was point any of the dragon-sproutt in front of her to activate its power. The man in full black helped Chiyo up.

"It is time to go Chiyo. The enemies are coming. You must leave at once." The man in full black said. Chiyo pointed the green dragon-sproutt in front of her and a portal opened. It sucked her in and she went into her body. She got up immediately. She was still in the cave of many eyes. She couldn't believe what she saw. She opened her hands and saw the three dragon-sproutts in her hand. She put them in her waist. She had the Kadan-Nitsu. She looked around the cave but she didn't see Mira. She had the feeling that something was wrong. The entire cave was shaking like there was an earthquake happening. Chiyo went to the edge of the cave and looked down and she saw the Hasaihama climbing up to where she was. Chiyo vomited black blood. Indeed, the man in full black was right. She was poisoned. Mira came out of the waterfalls. She went beside Chiyo. She was concerned because she was vomiting. She knew what it was.

"Chiyo, you are poisoned by the sons of Chimayoko," Mira said.

"I know. We need to go before the Hasaihama comes."

"You are right. We have to hurry. I can sense other enemies coming. I know a way through the caves of many eyes. There is a secret passage that will lead us to the Hills of Tansee."

"Okay, let's go," Chiyo said. An arrow was going right for Chiyo's head and Mira grabbed it and threw it in the enemy's heart that was at a far distance. She did it within seconds. Chiyo didn't even know what happened. Mira told her to follow her. She and Chiyo went deeper into the cave. Mira blocked the path with some rocks so that the enemies couldn’t follow them. All of the enemies wanted the Kadan-Nitsu and they will not stop until they get it.

Natari and Magisodo were in the cave of many eyes. Their army was below them. Magisodo saw the rocks that blocked the path in the cave.

"She won't go far," Natari looked at Chiyo's vomit, "the poison is getting worse. The only thing that is keeping her alive is the Kadan-Nitsu that belongs to us. Very soon the curse will take her entire body over." Natari said confidently. The Hasaihama reached where Magisodo and Natari were. Magisodo walked towards it, he put his hand on its face.

"Don't worry. You will get your revenge. Go and find her. I think I know where they are going. They are going to the Hills of Tansee where the snow never stops. Find them and kill them." Magisodo said to the Hasaihama. It jumped off the rocks, pushed its wings out, and flew off. It was huge. Natari could feel the energy force of an ancient warrior. He couldn't believe it. He saw the water trail.

"It can't be. I thought Mirakotu killed her in the great battle of Hagikagami." Natari said.

"What are you talking about Natari?" Magisodo asked.

"I am talking about Mira the ancient warrior of the Cherbian water style. She still lives." Natari said.

"It can't be. No, we must not let her get the Kadan-Nitsu. She wants it for herself to become the supreme ruler. She was supposed to be dead. The Greyhound thieves must not know about this. Their dynasty will be in complete torment. Surely, we can use this to leverage Mirakotu. His pain is our gain. If we are going to stop Hagikagami we need Mirakotu. We have to take advantage of this situation. We must meet with Mirakotu at once."

"We are his common enemies Magisodo. I don't think he will believe us. The greyhound thieves don't like our kind."

"Natari, we need that Kadan-Nitsu. We will make Mirakotu believe us."


"When you have a common enemy at play it is only fair to expose the greater enemy at work. Mirakotu's greatest enemy is Mira. We shall persuade him." Magisodo suggested. Natari and Magisodo became invisible then a strong wind started. He and his army left. Ayahzo-Hadimoto was in a small hole between some rocks above the river. He was a spy. He could hear very well. He heard what Natari and Magisodo were talking about. He was a warrior and a spy of the Vatzu Dynasty. His dynasty also wanted the Kadan-Nitsu. All the warriors of the Vatzu Dynasty had tattoos on their lower arms. The tattoos were their armor. The warriors can turn them into armor. Ayahzo-Hadimoto had no shirt on. He only had on Bwittanzu: An armor that many Vatzu warriors wore on their lower bodies. The armor had a silver and black color. From the tip of the boot a thick pattern that had the feature of a root wrapped around each leg and stopped at the waist where they form a belt-like appearance: That part was silver and the rest was black. Ayahzo-Hadimoto jumped into the Niyahsho-me river and dived to the very bottom. On his way, he passed Penguanas, Heelpites (a creature that had the appearance of a heel but had my tentacles on their tails.), mermaids, grass fish, and a Hasaihama. He swam through a cave and surfaced a well. His friend Poyu helped him out. He was chubby and his head was bald but his beard was fluffy. He was happy to see him.

"Ayazo, you look troubled. What happened?" Poyu asked.

"I can't talk here. Let’s talk in the Datoshi." Ayazo-Hasimodo said. A Datoshi was a small room where the warriors of the Vatzu Dynasty slept. Ayazo-Hasimodo went inside the Datoshi and Poyu entered. He closed the door. Poyu wanted to hear what he had to say. An invisible force pushed Ayazo's wooden cup off his table. Poyu eyes widened. He knew that something was wrong.

"Ayazo, what have you done?" Poyu asked.

"This is between you and me. I saw the Kadan-Nitsu. A human has it. She is beautiful."

"So it is a ‘she’. The Kadan-Nitsu have never chosen a mortal being before."

"That was the same thing I said. I think something is wrong. She is wounded by the rarest poison of the Atribiam realm. The only thing that is keeping that human alive is the Kadan-Nitsu."

"So it has become one with her then. What exactly did you hear?"

"Mira the ancient warrior of the Cherbian water style is still alive."

"What?" Poyu put his hands on his bald head, "I thought Mirakotu killed her thousands of years ago."

"That was what I thought too. I saw her last night. She must have come back somehow."

"We have to tell Master-Chu," Poyu said.

"Are you stupid? We will keep our mouths shut before we put everyone in danger. Master-Chu wants the Kadan-Nitsu for himself. We have to keep this a secret."

"Okay, if Mira is alive that means Mirakotu will have no rest. Who poisoned the human?"

"Magisodo. It was him who has cursed her with his blade. His brother was at the cave of many eyes too. I heard them talking about Mirakotu and how they were going to leverage him by telling him that Mira was alive."

"So, they are looking for help from a common enemy. They know that Mirakotu is the only one that stands a chance against Hagikagami, the demon lord. They want him to be on their side. That's not good. The greyhound thieves must not be involved in this deception. Mirakotu must not have the Kadan-Nitsu. I think Mira is trying to help the mortal who carries the Kadan-Nitsu. Do you know where they are going?"

"Yeah, they are going to the Hills of Tansee where the snow never stops."

"Ayazo, we must help them. If Hagikagami rises both mortals and immortals will die by the second. He is a merciless killer." Poyu said. Ayazo sat on the bed and something invisible pushed him off. It was one of Magisodo's warriors. She was a woman. She showed herself to them. Her name was Mio-Chin.

"How did you get here?" Ayazo and Poyu asked.

"I followed you here. Now that I have discovered the Vatzu Dynasty I will see to it that my master destroy it." Mio-Chin said.

"We won't let you leave," Poyu said. Mio-Chin laughed. She started fighting Ayazo and Poyu. Ayazo and Poyu were fighting her. They were organized with their attacks. Mio-Chin couldn't believe it. She knew that she couldn't beat them so she was going to run. She opened the window and Poyu closed it while Ayazo gave her the sleeper-hold. Mio-chin disappeared. Ayazo stood in front of his room door. They could hear very well. They listened and heard her walking. Ayazo kicked her on the bed and she appeared. Poyu had a rope tattoo on his back. Ayazo took the rope out of his back and tied Mio-Chin. Poyu tore a piece of Ayazo's sheet and wrapped it around her mouth so she couldn't talk.

"What are we going to do with her? We have to kill her and bury her outside" Poyu said. Mio-Chin was trying to talk. She didn't want to die.

"I think I have an idea. We can throw her to the Hasaihama and let it eat her," Ayazo said. He removed the sheet from Mio-Chin’s mouth. Mio-Chin wanted to say something. She was beautiful. Ayazo couldn't stop looking at her. He looked into her eyes and saw his future with her. She saw it too. A blue light came from their eyes. Poyu was confused. He didn't know what was happening. He slapped Ayazo and he snapped out of his trance. Mio-Chin couldn't believe what she just saw.

"Ayazo, are you okay?" Poyu asked.

"I saw something."

"What did you see?"

"I saw her as my wife and we were happy," Ayazo said.

"I will never be with a Vatzu warrior. Why did I have to see that? I don't believe it. I thought that I was going to get a handsome husband not a Vatzu. Mio-Chin passed out and also Ayazo. Poyu put his hands on his head. He didn't know what to do.

Mirakotu's Curse: The Greyhound Thief

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