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Mio-Chin, Ayazo, Mira, Chiyo, Poyu, Birack, and Simodo had finally reached the top of the cliff. They were officially out of the swamp of Tarlus and now in the land of O'Onah where many big stones were.

"At least we are not in that swamp anymore," Simodo said. Mira looked at the map that was drawn in the book. There was a place at O'Onah named O'nangah where a secret path was that led to the Carnoshie Valley. Mira and her friends were going there. Simodo and Birack had no choice but to follow them. Some M'untaka were crawling on the stones so they had to avoid them. They had seven pairs of legs and had the appearance of a scorpion. The M'untakas were brown and had two tails and four claws. They could spit poison at their prey whenever they become aggressive. If a person killed one of the M'untakas or captured one all of the M'untakas would attack the person. They were very poisonous and ferocious. Simodo was about to touch one of the M'untaka and Mira grabbed his hand.

"Don't touch it. If you touch it you will become poison immediately. It is called a M'untaka." Mira informed Simodo while everyone listened. Everyone followed behind Mira. Now they reached a place where they could see some dirt. There were fewer stones there. Chiyo stooped down and looked at the dirt. She had a feeling that something was underneath it. She could hear something moving. A L'inchin emerged from the soil and propelled itself toward her face. Mio-Chin chopped it in half. The L'inchin was red. It had twenty pairs of legs and a hard exoskeleton. It had two c curve blades on its head that could cut its prey in half. It had a needle-like mouth that it uses to inject its prey in order to drain its blood. The mouth of the L’inchin was also poisonous. The exoskeleton of the L'inchin had micro quills on it. The quills were extremely poisonous. The L'inchin was four feet in length and seven inches in width.

Mira knew what Mio-Chin killed. Poyu and Ayazo examined it. Simodo and Birack weren't going next to it.

"That one is called a L'inchin," Mira looked inside the book, "This is not good. When L'inchin is dead it releases a green toxic gas that will alert the other L'inchins nearby. Be aware, once this happens all sorts of insects and creatures will come to feast on the dead L'inchin especially M'untakas that are common feeders." Mira read. Everyone was now aware of what to expect. Many L'inchins came out of the dirt while M’untakas hurried toward the dead L'inchin. The M’untakas were aggressive as they thought that Mira and her friends wanted to eat the L'inchin before them so they started spitting poison at them. Everyone ran as fast as they could while some of the L'inchins chased them. One jumped on Ayazo's back. Poyu kicked it off. Chiyo and Mio-Chin killed some of the L’inchins that were in front of them. One of the L'inchins tore Simodo's pants. His bag of gold coins fell. Birack saw but he couldn't help him. Simodo went back for his bag of gold coins. He fought some of the L'inchins but one of them poke him. He also touched one. He managed to escape but he was already poisoned. He reached where the others were. They were on some stones. The L'inchin didn't like stones so they went back underneath the dirt. Blood oozed out of Simodo's mouth and nose. He was dying.

"Simodo, talk to me," Birack said.

"I can't. I am sorry. It got me." Simodo struggled to talk. Mira read the book.

"Okay, in order for us to help Simodo we need a Hasanda leaf, red stone dust, or Meezu." Mira said.

"Wait, I think Simodo has some Meezu left. He always brings Meezu with him." Birack said. He searched his pockets and found a small bottle of Meezu. Some were inside of it. Simodo's butt was swollen where the L'inchin pokes him. It was red.

"I guess today is his lucky day," Mio-Chin said. Birack gave Simodo the Meezu to drink. He drank it. He started vomiting but his butt was still swollen. Mira gave Chiyo Utoyo's lab book to hold. She wanted to squeeze the cyst out of Simodo's butt cheek. Simodo still couldn't talk properly yet but he was reviving.

"Hold him down and make sure he doesn't move," Mira said to Birack. He held him down while Mira squeezed the cyst out of Simodo's butt cheek. It squirted out. Poyu and Ayazo dodged it and fell off the stone they were on. Mira squeezed out all of the cyst until blood started coming out. She used her power to heal his wound.

"Thank you very much," Simodo said. He felt better. It was time to move forward. Chiyo and Mio-Chin were laughing at Poyu and Ayazo because they fell. Chiyo gave Mira the book. She looked at the map. She told everyone that they were close to O'nangah. Mira jumped down to where Ayazo and Poyu were. A path was there. Simodo went on Birack’s back and then he jumped down. Mio-chin and Chiyo were the last ones to jump down to where the others were. After some minutes of walking between the towering stones, Chiyo's blue dragon-sproutt started glowing. She stopped while the others continued to walk. They didn't even know that she stopped.

"What's happening?" She asked herself. She removed the blue dragon-sproutt from her waist and stretched it forth. A shaft of blue light slithered from it. A man in full black appeared in front of her. He had something important he wanted to tell her.

"I have come with an important message Chiyo. All the dynasties want you dead. Master-Hutega, the leader of the Eatoshi dynasty is dead but he gave his first student something important."

"What is it?"

"The Kasim sword and a blue dragon-sproutt. There are only two blue dragon-sproutts in the universe. You have one and the last surviving Eatoshi warrior has one. The one you have is most powerful. It has a similar energy force of the Kadan-Nitsu."

"Why are you telling me this?"

"You are the only one that can stop Hagikagami and Mirakotu but now I believe that the other masters have a chance."

"What do you mean?"

"Master-Hutega has freed Micotoshi from his layer. Micotoshi tricked him. Master-Hutega thought that he defeated him but it was only a deception. Mirakotu used the Kasim sword thousands of years ago in the Great War to defeat Hagikagami. He stole it from the Ghasyak dynasty. The Kasim sword is made from a rare dark Kadan-Nitsu power and Emprion. Emprion doesn't exist anymore. Only the Kasim sword has it. It was forged by Kayuukus. If the two blue dragon-sproutts are combined with the Kasim sword it will unlock its true power. You must be the one to unlock its true power. If Master-Mudung, leader of the Shoron dynasty gets the Kasim sword and finds you he will surely become the supreme ruler of the entire universe."

"That's not good."

"There is more Chiyo. Micotoshi wants Chimayoko to get the Kasim sword and the blue dragon-sproutt. The Eatoshi warrior resides at Carnoshie valley where a big tree lies beside a cave. Micotoshi told Chimayoko already. Master-Komoto and his warriors are going there as we speak. You need to hurry Chiyo." The man in full black informed her and disappeared. Chiyo put the blue dragon-sproutt into her waist.

Mira stopped. She could sense the energy fragments of enemies nearby. She told everyone to hide underneath the stones. Many Cussuku warriors ran past. Cussuku warriors were masters of the stone technique. They were stone warriors. The Cussuku dynasty wanted the Kadan-Nitsu for themselves. Chiyo ran on the narrow path looking for her friends. Master-Iko jumped off a stone and looked at her. He had his stone sword ready for action. Master-Iko was the leader of the Cussuku dynasty. Some Cussuku warriors surrounded Chiyo.

"So, you must be the human that everyone has been talking about—the one that carries the Kadan-Nitsu that belongs to me. Give me the Kadan-Nitsu and I will make your death quick and painless." Master-Iko said.

"Come and get it," Chiyo replied. Some of the Cussuku warriors attacked her. She fought them but they were tough. The Kadan-Nitsu transmuted into a volcanic blade. Master-Iko couldn't believe it. She used it against three of the Cussuku warriors and killed them. Master-Iko attacked her. He punched her a couple of times and kicked her on a rock. A stone fell on her. She threw the stone at Master-Iko. She used a wave slash technique with the Kadan-Nitsu: This technique created a sudden earthquake that split the ground quickly while releasing flames that went forward at a fast speed. Master-Iko barely escaped. He couldn't believe that the human was using the Kadan-Nitsu so well. Mira knew that Chiyo was in trouble. She and the others came out of their hiding places and the Cussuku warriors attacked them. Chiyo ran past some of Master-Iko’s warriors. They started chasing her. The silver dragon-sproutt started glowing. She took it out and immediately she disappeared. Master-Iko's blade missed her. He couldn't believe that she disappeared. He was upset. Now, Chiyo was in the spirit realm. Everything looked different. She followed the path that was in front of her until she reached a dead end.

"No, no," She said to herself. Micotoshi clapped his hands to get her attention. She saw him.

"So it seems you are in my realm now. Give me the blue dragon-sproutt."

"I will not give you anything."

"I will just have to take it then," Micotoshi said. He started fighting her on the narrow path. Chiyo was fighting him but he was too skilled. He was trying to get the blue dragon-sproutt from her. He kicked Chiyo on the stones then grabbed her throat.

"You little brat. I told you that I was going to take the blue dragon-sproutt from you. Have you any last words?"

"Yeah, look behind you."

"Do you really think that I am going to fall for that old trick?" Micotoshi said. A man in full black was behind him. He touched Micotoshi's shoulder. He turned around and immediately he and the man in full black started fighting.

"Get out of here now. Use the green dragon-sproutt to go back." The man in full black shouted to Chiyo. She took out the green dragon sprout and stretched it forth. She appeared at a distance in front of Mira and her friends. She put back the green dragon-sproutt in her waist. Mira saw it. She and the others ran toward her.

Micotoshi and the man in full black stared at each other. Micotoshi was upset.

"I am going to make sure that she dies and there is nothing that you can do about it brother," Micotoshi said and disappeared. The man in full black disappeared also. Finally, Mira and the others reached O'nangah. It was a cave. They went inside and jumped into the green glowing water below them. The water disappeared and then the cave closed. The enemies couldn't enter. Master-Iko was upset but he knew where they were going. Mira and the others surfaced lake Carashubie that was at the Carnoshie valley. A dead Magoon was afloat in the lake. Simodo surfaced beside it. He saw it and immediately started shouting. Birack told him that the Magoon was dead. Ayazo, Poyu, and Mio-Chin were the first to reach on land then, Simodo, Mira, Chiyo, and Birack. Everyone was tired. Chiyo wanted to talk to Mira. She told her everything that the man in full black said to her. She even told her that she fought Micotoshi. She definitely knew that a war was going to start. Mira told everyone that they had to keep moving. They started climbing the steep hill that was nearby.

Mewik was in a cave where a big tree was. He vomited blood. He was dying. He had difficulty breathing. He tried to remove the broken blade that went through him but he couldn't because it was too painful. He had to leave it inside of him. Chimayoko walked beside Mewik’s horse. He followed the blood trail and saw Mewik at the edge of a cave where a big tree was. Micotoshi was right, the Eatoshi warrior was badly wounded and he had the blue dragon-sproutt and the Kasim sword that Chimayoko wanted. Chimayoko approached Mewik. Mewik tried to get up but he fell to the ground. Blood came from his nostrils. He was dying quickly.

"It's okay. I can see that you are dying."

"Chimayoko, what are you doing here?"

"I came here to get what is rightfully mine."

"And what might that be?" Mewik asked and coughed blood.

"Don't act like you don't know," Chimayoko said. He reached for the Kasim sword and Mewik kicked him. Mewik got up with the sword in his hand. He was ready to fight Chimayoko.

"I can see that you have some fight left inside of you. I promise this is going to be quick." Chimayoko said. He removed his sword from his sheath that was on his back. He knew that Mewik was a tough opponent. Mewik started fighting Chimayoko. Chimayoko defeated him but he still wanted to fight. Chimayoko buried his blade inside Mewik’s stomach but Mewik still got up. He fought Chimayoko and cut him with Kasim sword.

"Come on you son of a bitch. I am going to kill you." Mewik shouted. Chimayoko was about to cut his head off but he stopped. Mewik fell to the ground and vomited blood. He was gapping for air. He got up on his feet and told Chimayoko to finish him while tears came from his eyes. He remembered his wife and daughter. He also remembered what Master-Hutega taught him.

"In battle, you must always be determined even if you are wounded badly you must still defeat your opponent. Sometimes it may seem like your opponent has the upper hand but make no mistake you have the advantage because death has become one with you. You are prepared to die and that is what makes you powerful. Use your willpower smartly to defeat your enemy." Master-Hutega said to Mewik when he was training. Mewik remembered. He stared at Chimayoko. He was ready to defeat him. He started fighting him. Chimayoko cut one of Mewik's hands off.

"I admire your determination but I am going to kill you either way," Chimayoko said. Mewik stabbed him with his blade a couple of times. Chimayoko pushed Mewik’s blade through him. Mewik broke the blade that was inside of him and pushed it into Chimayoko’s heart. Chimayoko couldn't believe that Mewik defeated him. Chimayoko’s lifeless body fell to the ground. Mewik struggled to the cave but he fell to the ground and took his last breath. Micotoshi appeared. He looked at both of them.

"It's a shame really. A student killed a master. Well, I will just take what I came here for. After all, the Kasim sword and the blue dragon-sproutt are rightfully mine" Micotoshi said. White Satan walked from out of the cave while Micotoshi reached for the Kasim sword. He sensed White Satan. He saw him.

"Do not touch the sword Micotoshi. It doesn't belong to you." White Satan said.

"What are you doing here White Satan?"

"I should be the one asking you the same question. Your deceiving ways will get you killed. You knew that the Eatoshi warrior was going to defeat Chimayoko but you didn't care. You wanted him out of the way so that you would be the one to unlock the power of the Kasim sword. Isn't that what you want?"

"It seems like you have been watching my every move White Satan. You and I both know that you don't stand a chance against your brother Hagikagami. Soon Master-Mudung will be the supreme ruler of the realms and there is nothing that you can do."

"There is still hope and I believe you know exactly who I am talking about."

"You speak so proudly of that mortal that carries the Kadan-Nitsu and the blue dragon-sproutt that belongs to me. Soon her head will be in the palm of my hand."

"Don't be a confident fool, Micotoshi. You know very well that she will be the supreme ruler." White Satan reminded him. Micotoshi took up the Kasim sword. White Satan lit a cigarette and snapped his fingers and the Kasim sword appeared beside him along with the blue dragon-sproutt.

"I can see that you are still a clown of magic tricks. I will be the one to kill you White Satan and you know that. I have some places I have to be. See you around white Satan." Micotoshi said and disappeared. White Satan laughed.

"Interesting, so that fool think he could have taken the Kasim sword and the blue dragon-sproutt without me knowing. I will just wait here until the chosen one arrives." White Satan said.

Mirakotu's Curse: The Greyhound Thief

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