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Chapter 1

There are many myths that aren't written. There are many inhuman beings that have yet to be discovered, but soon the unknown myth of a Greyhound thief would be certain. Fujio was in full black. His head was bald, one of his eyes was red, and the other one was darkness. He was a skilled thief. He was a thief with powers.

It was morning and he was walking on the street of Niko-Bico. The street was narrow and there weren’t too many people there. Niko-Bico was a quiet community. Most of the people that lived there knew the myth of Mirakotu’s Curse yet they didn't believe it.

Chiyo, a Japanese woman that lived alone was the Greyhound thief's true prize. He was obsessed with her. He wanted to spoil her with his charms and make her his. According to his tradition, he wasn't supposed to break the oath of the Greyhound Dynasty in Mitoku: A world of immortals. It was the law of the ancient warriors to keep the oath of the Greyhound Dynasty. The Greyhounds have kept themselves hidden from humans even though they walked among them. Fujio’s desire got the better of his judgment. He wanted to mix with an inferior kind called humans. He knew the consequences of his action.

Fujio jumped over the concert wall and took one of Chiyo's underwear off her clothesline. She saw him and ran out of the yard but he was already gone. It was too good to be true. She was confused because there was no way he could have moved so fast. He scaled the building as if it was nothing. Indeed, he wasn't human. He disappeared into mid-air. Chiyo ran into her house. She heard footsteps upstairs. She knew that someone was in her house. She went upstairs, stood beside her room, opened the door, and entered. She felt cold. Chiyo knew that the hands of death were waiting patiently to swallow her soul. She could hear the bitter sounds that crept behind her yet she could not see what it was. A sudden wind blew through her window causing her to fall. Chiyo became curious and she wanted to look through the window. Slowly she looked through the window only to see a man in full black exiting through her front gate. He had a newspaper in his hand. Chiyo ran downstairs. As she opened the door she saw the man with the newspaper. He held the newspaper at her throat like a knife. He scraped her face with it.

"What do you want from me?" She asked him. He shoved her and closed the door. He was outside. He walked through the wall and disappeared. Chiyo opened the front door and didn't see him. She covered her mouth with her hands. Chiyo hurried into the kitchen. She searched the cabinets and took out the Kadan-Nitsu. It was a mythical dagger that Kadimagi used to kill Mirakotu's Father named Nyah-jung. However, Mirakotu used the Kadan-Nitsu to defeat Hagikagami in the Great War. Nyah-Jung was an evil man and many people died by his blade. He has killed over two million people by just showing his Sword: His sword was forged out of Baycuto-nilung-Yanishamawah, a very rare stone that can only be found in the depths of Yamatara—A volcano that was active every two thousand years. Chiyo admired the Kadan-Nitsu. She could feel its power surging through her veins.

"We have to kill her before Hagikagami, the demon lord finds her. We need the Kadan-Nitsu for ourselves." Natari said. He was outside talking to his friend Magisodo. They were invisible. They were using the Mat-jung technique that took thousands of years to master.

"I understand but Mirakotu will not become king of the Kelmain Realm while we sit and do nothing about it. Hagikagami will surely rise again and chaos will be upon the realms. If we do not act quickly our fates will be sealed for eternity. I can smell something." Magisodo said.

"I can smell it too. A Greyhound was here—two of them. I think Mirakotu is ahead of us. Let's go inside and find the Kadan-Nitsu. I can sense its power. " Natari said. Chiyo heard them talking outside. She could feel their energy source. She shoved the Kadan-Nitsu in her clothes and hurried outside as fast as she could. The clouds have become orange and the outside looked different. Chiyo heard her back door kicked off. Something invisible grabbed her throat. It was Natari.

"Where do you think you are going, you filthy human? Give me the Kadan-Nitsu now before I separate your head from your body." Natari said. Chiyo kicked him and Magisodo walked through the front door. Chiyo couldn't see them but she could sense them. She tried to run but they wouldn't let her escape. Natari and Magisodo started fighting her. Chiyo fought them back. The Kadan-Nitsu transformed her into a warrior. It became her sword.

"I see, so the Kadan-Nitsu have become one with you. I don't understand. Why would it chose an inferior kind like yours?" Natari asked. Now, Chiyo could see them. Magisodo had white glowing eyes and Natari had yellow glowing eyes. Their shoulder-length hair was grey. They wore white warrior armor that fitted nicely on their immortal bodies.

"I can't believe it," Magisodo walked around Chiyo, "a human has become the chosen one of the Kadan-Nitsu. How inferior...I shall use my blade to scrape your bones until they become pieces of threads then I will shit on them."

"I would like to see you try Natari and Magisodo. The sons of the great Chimayoko. Where is he now?" Chiyo asked. Her words were like bullets to Natari and Magisodo.

"We shall teach you a lesson. Prepare to die." Natari said confidently. Chiyo and the sons of Chimayoko fought. Now, they were on the street fighting. Chiyo wasn't going to let them kill her. Magisodo pierced her stomach with his hungry blade. She fell on her knees.

"Finally, I get you to bow before me and praise me before you die. Don't worry I will make this quick. I will cut your head off and feed it to my dogs. I am sure they won't complain about the taste." Magisodo said and laughed.

"Just do it already. We don't have much time." Natari said. Chiyo was smart. She used the Kadan-Nitsu to create a deadly flame blast hitting Natari and Magisodo at a distant. Chiyo spun the Kadan-Nitsu and then it went on her back. It started spinning like a propeller then she flew off. She escaped the wicked sons of Chimayoko. She was still wounded. Natari got up and helped Magisodo up.

"She can run but she can't hide. That Kadan-Nitsu will be ours. Let's go before the others come." Natari said. He and Magisodo dived through the road and started descending to Arpostree: This was a portal to the Wirlder Realm where Chimayoko resided.

Fujio appeared in a forest. He rushed to his house. The other greyhound thieves found him suspicious but they had their work to do. He entered his house and ran upstairs with Chiyo's underwear in his hand. He lied on the ground, pulled his black loose pant down, and started fondling his greyhound rod while he smelled her underwear. His wife Nicoyo entered the house, went upstairs, and saw him Flappi-jacking (Flappi-jacking in greyhound language meant masturbating.) She took the underwear from him and asked him if he went among the land of the living again. She could smell the energy fragments of a mortal kind.

"Nicoyo, I am sorry but I cannot live like this. We only have sex once a year."

"Our tradition is different Fujio. We are not like humans. Humans are bones and rubble. We are immortals. We are better than they are."

"Nicoyo, we have been living for three hundred years and we only had sex twenty times. I don't care anymore." Fujio said to his wife while he continued Flappi-jacking. She was just coming from work—from the human world. Fujio stroked his impatient man staff while he looked at his wife.

"I cannot break the oath Fujio. The Greyhound Dynasty has been our sacred place for years yet we work in the land of humans so that we can survive. I cannot watch you Flappi-jack Fujio. I must not let this guilt of temptation blind my judgment." She said to him and ran into the next room. Steam oozed from her nostrils while she exhaled and inhaled. She was stopping herself from wanting her husband. Fujio continued to fondle his man serpent as he thought about the human Chiyo. Fujio went into the room Nicoyo was in and stroked his retched wand in front of her. He wanted to tease her. Nicoyo acted as if she didn't see what he was doing. He grabbed her, lifted her dress up, took her white underwear off, and licked her hairy crack aggressively. She swallowed her words and let him massage her sensual box.

"Fujio stop, we must abide by the rules of our traditions. Fujio please stop," She begged him. He didn't care. He continued licking her sweet delicious Japanese mushroom. More steam oozed out of her nostrils when he inserted his sizeable wand into her. He pulled her blouse up and started ramming her nature-given birthmark deeply. He was hammering her properly. She kissed him. She wanted him to make love to her harder. She moaned loudly. Now, she was enjoying it.

"Fujio, do it harder." She said. She gushed flames from her contracting second mouth as she had a climax on his greyhound staff. Fujio had to take off his shirt because it was on fire. He continued to make love to Nicoyo’s fissure without mercy. The tip of his serpent was being squeezed by her contracting honeypot. Fujio sipped Nicoyo's neck while fire gushed out of her mouth as she moaned loudly.

"Fujio, I am going to explode. Fujio!" She shouted then gushed out flames as she had a climax. She loved the way he was making love to her. She wanted him to expel his natural sauce inside of her.

"Fujio, please come. Please come." She said to him. Fujio cried as he erupted on her. He expelled a lot of cream on her fissure that could fill three cups. He pulled up his underwear.

"Fujio, we must not speak of this. We have broken the oath of the Greyhound Dynasty. If our kind finds out about this they will punish us and banish us."

"Let's leave and live in the human world Nicoyo."

"If I go with you and you cheat on me I will kill you. I swear Fujio. We have been married for Two hundred years."

"I understand. I apologize for stealing a human's underwear. I wanted to have sex and you deny me so many times."

"We must leave before the others find out," Nicoyo said. They showered, packed their two pieces of luggage, disappeared, and appeared in an apartment that Nicoyo rented. Fujio and Nicoyo would stay at the apartment most of the time to cool out but now they were going to live there. Soon the Greyhound Dynasty would know what they have done.

Mirakotu's Curse: The Greyhound Thief

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