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Оглавлениеمصباح الشرق ٩٠، ٢٥ يناير ١٩٠٠
Miṣbāḥ al-sharq 90, January 25, 190029
قال عيسى بن هشام: وبعد أن خرجوا من ذلك المحل ونحن أتبع من الظل سمعنا العمدة يقول للخليع تالله لقد أجهدتنا فهلم الآن الى ما وعدتنا لنجلو أعيننا بالوجوه الصباح قبل ان يغير علينا الصباح فيبدي الخليع اهتمامه ويظهر اغتمامه ثم يقطع عليه كلامه ويدفع عن نفسه ملامه بأن طول الانتظار يذهب بحسن الاصطبار ولا يجمل بربات الجمال وصاحبات الدلال أن ينتظرن الرجال ويتحملن الضجر والملال فتلك لفرصة أضعناها لنزعة أطعناها فخاب ما كنا نرتجيه وفات ما كنا نبتغيه وقد جاءتني في غفوتك منها رسالة بأن قد غشيها ما غشيها من الملالة فندمت على جيئتها وذهبت لطيتها فيقول التاجر: اذن ما الذي اكتسبناه بعد الذي فقدناه وأين منا ما نجمع به شملنا ونبدد به ليلنا؟ فيقول له الخليع: لم يبق أمامنا في هذه الساعة الا ملاعب الرقص والخلاعة عسانا نجد فيها بديلا مما لم نجد اليه سبيلا فيخرج العمدة دراهمه من جيبه يعدها ثم يخشخش بها ويردها فيقول التاجر للعمدة: لا تهتم فدرهم الأنس ميسر وللخليع: تقدم فما من شيء عليك معسر
ʿĪsā ibn Hishām said: When they left the tavern, we followed behind, sticking closer to them than their own shadows. We heard the ʿUmdah tell the Playboy that he had worn them out. “Let’s go to the place you promised us,” he said. “That way we can make use of comely faces to clear the dirt from our eyes before morning changes everything.” The Playboy looked concerned and distressed. He interrupted the ʿUmdah and palmed off his reproach by pointing out that, if someone has to wait too long, even the height of patience dissipates. Pampered maidens rapidly grow impatient if they have to wait for men and put up with aggravataion and sheer boredom. “We gave in to a whim,” he told them, “and so we’ve lost an opportunity. Our hopes have been dashed and our goal has eluded us. While you were dozing, the girl sent me a message, complaining that she’d become utterly bored. She regretted ever coming and went on her way.” “So then,” the Merchant asked, “what can we get to compensate for what we’ve lost? Where can we sit together now and while away the night?” “At this time of night,” the Playboy replied, “the only thing we can still do is head for one of those raunchy dance-halls. Perhaps we’ll find some substitute there for what we’ve missed.”
The ʿUmdah now took out his cash, jingled the coins, then put them back in his pocket. “Don’t worry,” the Merchant told him. “Friendly company is readily available!” He turned to the Playboy. “Lead the way!” he said. “For you, nothing’s a problem!”
فيعطف بهما نحو مكان قريب من غير ما تراخ ولا تعقيب وقد دخلنا من ورائهم وجلسنا بأزائهم فرأينا المكان حومة وغي احتدم وطيسها وهيجاء حرب اصطدم خميسها ومعتركا عجاجته الدخان ومتاريسه الدنان ونباله أصمة القوارير وطبوله الدفوف والمزامير وصلصلة الحلي فيه بالحلي صليل المشرفي بالمشرفي وبريق الاكواب والاقداح بريق الآسنة والصفاح وقواده وأركانه قواده وغلمانه ومغافره العصائب وآزره اعلام الكتائب ودروعه الغلائل ومناديله حمام الرسائل ومنصة الرقص حصنه الحصين وصاحب الحان هو الكمين وحركات الردق والخصر هي حركات الكر والفر والجالسون هناك جيش محصور وجند مقهور والمغنون كماته وأقرانه والنساء حماته وفرسانه:
ألات الظلم جئن بشر ظلم
وقد واجهننا متظلمات
فوارس فتنة أعلام غي
لقينك بالأساور معلمات
So, without further delay, the Playboy took them to a place close by. We followed them inside and sat opposite them. We soon realized that the place was a veritable battlefield, its fiery furnace all aglow; in fact, a theatre of war involving opposing armies. On this battlefield smoke was the dust cloud; wine casks served as ramparts, pitchers and glasses as armaments. Here flutes and oboes were substitutes for drums, and the clink of jewelry far surpassed the clang of Mashrafi swords.30 Glasses and bottles gleamed as bright as lance-tips and spears. Here the generals and commanders were managers and waiters; headcloths replaced helmets, shawls replaced battle standards, mantillas replaced armor, and handkerchiefs replaced carrier pigeons. The dancing platform resembled an inaccessible fortress, and the hall’s owner played the role of guard on watch. Swaying buttocks and waists were like attack and retreat. The people seated were beseiged, a vanquished army, while singers were its warriors and foes, and women its defenders and cavaliers:
Agents of sweet oppression have wrought an evil tyranny,
turning to us in complaint.
Cavaliers of temptation, beacons of seduction,
they have met you bedecked in bangles.31
وترى فيه كل ذات ثدي بارز تنادي هل من منازل أو مبارز ثم تخطر وتجول وتختال وتصول فترمي كل طامع في وصالها بسهام اللحظات ونصالها فترشق بها الدنان فتسيل بدم العقار وتشق بها الجيوب فتسيل بدم النضار:
وقد أغمدن في أزر ولكن
سيوف لحاظهن مجردات
قد حن زناد شوق من زنود
بنار حليها متوقدات
وترى في تلك المعركه من كل هلوك مهلكه تنساب في حلة رقصها كالحية في قميصها ثم تلقي بجرحاها في هاوية فترى القوم فيها صرعى كأنهم أعجاز نخل خاوية.
You observe every bare-breasted girl as she shouts, “Who’s going to join us and compete?” Then she makes the rounds, prancing and strutting. Every man who desires to be in her company throws darting glances at her. She steers them all toward the wine casks, which proceed to gush forth with blood-red wine; she then splits open people’s pockets which pour forth the blood of golden coins!
They have been sheathed in wrapping cloths,
but their sword-like glances are exposed.
They have used the flint of passion to kindle the flame,
gleaming with the fire of their jewelry.32
In the midst of this battlefield you could see a lewd tart in her dancing finery slithering around like a snake in its skin. She would toss her victims into an abyss, and you could watch people flattened like the stumps of desolate palm trees.
قال عيسى بن هشام: وقد رأينا اننا كلما طال جلوسنا ضاقت أنفاسنا وقصرت أعمارنا مما ينبعث من أركان المكان وينتشر من ارجائه ويتصاعد من أكنافه من روائح عكر الخمور وروائح عرق الابدان وروائح الغاز وروائح الأدخنة والحشيش وروائح أنفاس المخمورين وروائح تلك المراحيض التي لم تدخلها ماء وروائح الارض التي تسقى باللاقذار وتنبت بالاوساخ فاذا امتزجت تلك الروائح ببعضها وانعقدت منها في سقف المكان سحابة سوداء تساقطت منها الادواء فاستنشقتها الأنوف وامتصتها الصدور ونفذت بها الابدان وتضاءلت منها ذبالات المصابيح كما تتضاءل في المناجم والكهوف فكدنا نختنق وكدنا نصاب بالغثيان فهم الباشا بالقيام فأمسكت به أقول له:
عيسى بن هشام مه, أيصير مثلي على هذا النحو ولما أشهد معركة ولم أحضر معمعة ثم لا تصبر أنت عليه وقد مارست الحروب وشاهدت الوقائع وشممت فيها روائح الرمم.
الباشا نعم شممت ارواح الرمم ولكن في الخلوات والفلوات ولم أشمها منحصرة انحصارها في هذا المكان ومع ذلك فاني اتجلد معك كيلا يفوتني شيء من بداية الامر الى نهايته في ما نحن بصدده.
ʿĪsā ibn Hishām said: As we sat there for a while, we were aware that we could hardly breathe. Our lives seemed shortened because of the disgusting stench that wafted from all corners—the smell of wine dregs, body sweat, lamp oil, tobacco and hashish, coupled with drunken breath and lavatories unflushed by water. An equally foul stench rose from the floor which was littered with filth and dirt. When all these smells intermingled and clustered together like a black cloud from the ceiling, all kinds of pestilence rained down. People inhaled it and sucked it into their lungs; as a result their bodies became emaciated. It was enough to make light wicks go dim just as they do inside pits and caves. We almost choked and felt sick. The Pāshā got up to leave, but I grabbed him and said:
ʿĪsā Huh! If someone like me, a person who’s never seen a battle in his life or witnessed the turmoils of war, can tolerate staying in a place like this, how is it that someone like you cannot stand it? You’ve been involved in wars, seen battles fought, and inhaled clouds of dust!
Pāshā True enough. I’ve inhaled clouds of dust, but that was in open and unconfined spaces. I’ve never had to inhale smells like the ones bottled up in this place. Even so, I’ll grin and bear it like you. Then I won’t miss anything and can carry through our intentions from beginning to end.
قال عيسى بن هشام: وما أتم الباشا كلامه حتى رأيت صاحبًا لي قد وقف بجانبي فسلم عليّ متبسمًا متعجبًا من وجودي في هذا المحل كتعجبي من وجوده فيه أيضًا فابتدرته السؤال.
عيسى بن هشام ما الذي جاء بك الى هنا؟
الصاحب اني أبحث على رجل احتال اليوم عليّ في امر وأعلم ان هذا المحل وأمثاله ممثوى لمثله من المحتالين فجئته على كره مني بعد أن كنت حرمت على نفسي دخوله منذ زمان ولكن حكم الضرورة مطاع وأنت فقل لي كيف دخلت في هذا العش عش الشيطان وهذا الوكر وكر الافاعي؟
عيسى بن هشام أدخلنا حب الاستكشاف وبنية الاستطلاع وأنت تعلم انني فيه غريب فهل لك أن تجلس معنا برهة تكشق لنا فيها ما يخفى علينا من غوامض ما يجري ههنا.
Hardly had the Pāshā finished talking before I noticed a friend of mine standing right beside me. He greeted me with a smile and expressed his surprise at finding me in such a place. I in turn expressed my surprise at finding him here as well. I immediately asked him:
ʿĪsā ibn Hishām What’s brought you here?
Friend I’m looking for someone who’s swindled me on a business matter. I’m well aware that places like this one are regular haunts for tricksters like him. So, even though I’ve been staying well clear of this place for some time, I’ve reluctantly come here again. When necessity calls, one must obey. Tell me, though, what’s brought you to this den of Satan and nest of vipers?
ʿĪsā ibn Hishām We’ve come here to study and observe people’s customs and morals. But, as you’re aware, I’m a complete stranger here. Can you sit with us for a while and tell us about some of the covert and invisible things going on in this place?
قال عيسى بن هشام: فيجلس الصاحب معهما وما يستقر مكانه ويأخذ يحدثنا من نوادر ما رآه أيام كان يكثر الترداد على هذه الاماكن ويخبرنا باصل نشأتها ومبدأ أمرها ورضا الحكومة بانتشارها الا يدخل رجل يتمايل سكرا فتخترق صفوف الجالسين وهو يقع بينهم ويقوم وهم سكوت منصتون لغناء احدى القيان المشهورات عندهم مشرئبة اليها أعناقهم شاخصة أبصارهم كأنما هم في سكوتهم تحت المنبر يستمعون حسن الحديث من وعظ الخطيب ولا يزال الرجل في عربدته حتى يصل الى منصة الرقص والغناء فيضرب عليها بعصا في يده مرارًا ويقول:
ʿĪsā ibn Hishām said: My friend sat down with us both. After settling in his seat, he started telling us stories from the time when he used to frequent such haunts and giving us details about how they got started, how they were run, and how the government sanctioned their expansion. However, it was only a moment before a drunkard came in, staggering his way through the rows of seated customers. He stopped at a place between them and another group that was sitting there quietly, listening to a famous singer. They were all craning their necks and staring at her; it was as though they were sitting silently beneath a pulpit during a preacher’s sermon listening to the most flawless of discourse. The drunkard kept making a fuss till he reached the stage set up for singing and dancing. He banged on it with a cane he was carrying.
يكفي الغناء وعلينا بالرقص فيوافقه بعض الحاضرين ويقولون: نعم الرقص ارقص, فيغضب طالب دور الغناء ومن معه فيقولون مع بقية المستمعين: لا بل الغناء الغناء فيلتفت السكران يسبهم ويهزأ بذوقهم ويسفههم في سوء اختيارهم فيجاوبه سفيه منهم فيهجم عليه السكران بعصاه فيقفز صاحب المكان من محله ويهرول حتى يصل الى السكران فيمسك بتلابيبه يجره الى الخارج ويقوم طالب الغناء يشبعه شتمًا وضربا فيتعلق السكران بذيله وينادي البوليس البوليس فيجتمع غلمان المحل مع صاحبه يجرونه وهو قابض على ذيل ضاربه حتى يصلوا به الى الباب حيث يكون جندي البوليس قد حضر على صراخه فيريد القبض عليه وعلى رفيقه الضارب له فيمانعه صاحب المحل ويقول له: بل خذ هذا الرجل الذي جاءنا سكران من الخارج يعربد في محلنا فيأبى الجندي الا القبض على الاثنين فيغمزه صاحب المحل ليلين له فيقول أحد الغلمان: لا لزوم لما تعمل فان حضرة المعاون جالس عندنا في البار مع رفيقته فلانة.
صاحب الحانة (للجندي) لم يبق محل لتوجهك بهما الى القسم فتعالوا بنا ندخل الى حضرة المعاون في البار.
الجندي هذه حيلة أعرفها تريد بها تهريب صاحبك وكيف يكون حضرة المعاون هنا في البار وهو الليلة صاحب النوبة في القسم.
صاحب الحانة ما عليك الا أن تدخل وهما في قبضتك فتراه بعينيك.
“That’s enough singing,” he yelled. “Let’s have some dancing instead.” Some of the crowd agreed with him and yelled for dancing. The person who had originally asked for singing and those with him were furious. Along with everyone else, they kept yelling for more singing. The drunkard turned round and started cursing and mocking them, ridiculing their poor taste and stupid choice. Some fool answered back, whereupon the drunkard set about him with his stick. The proprietor got up from his seat, pounced on the drunkard, grabbed him by the collar, and dragged him toward the exit. The man who had wanted the song to continue swore at the drunkard and laid into him. The latter clung to his assailant’s coattails, yelling “Police, police!” The waiters assisted the proprietor and dragged the drunkard towards the exit, but he kept clinging to his assailant’s coat until they reached the exit. A policeman had responded to his cries and was waiting there. He was intending to arrest both men, but the proprietor stopped him taking in the drunkard’s assailant. “Just take this man away,” he told the policeman. “He got utterly drunk somewhere else first, then came to my place and started picking fights.” But the policeman would only arrest both men. The proprietor made a gesture to the policeman as if to give way to him. Just then one of the waiters came rushing over. “You needn’t do anything,” he said. “The Police Adjutant’s here; he’s sitting at the bar with his girlfriend X.”
Proprietor (to the Policeman) Now you’ve no reason to take them both to the police station. Come along, we’ll all go in and see the Adjutant at the bar.
Policeman This is obviously a trick. I realize you’re trying to rescue your friend. How can the Adjutant be in the bar? Tonight’s his shift at the station.
Proprietor Just bring these two men you’ve arrested inside and see for yourself.
الجندي يمتثل فيدخلون فيرون المعاون جالسًا بجانب رفيقته خالعًا رداءه على ظهرها وطربوشه على رأسها وهو يسقيها من كأسه وتعاطيه من كأسها.
صاحب الحانة (للمعاون) لقد تعطل يا حضرة الأفندي محلي وتعطيله لا يرضيك فان هذا الرجل قد دخل عندي وهو سكران من الخارج لم يشرب من هنا شيئًا فعربد في المكان واخل بنظامه ثم تعدى على هذا البك وهو من أكثر الناس ترددوا علينا والغريب أن جندي البوليس صمم على أخذهما معا الى القسم وحضرة البك من أبناء الكرام ولا يليق بكرامته أن يرافق السكران اليه ثم أن الجندي لم يسمع لي قولا عندما أوقفته على الحقيقة.
المعاون يلبس طربوشه ويستدعي الجندي فيدخل عليه رافعًا يده بسلام التعظيم.
المعاون (للجندي) اذا كان الرجل السكران يا فلان في سكر بين فخذه وحده الى القسم وما دام الآخر لم يحصل منه شيء بشهادة حضرة الخواجه فلا لزوم لأخذه والتسبب في تعطيل المحل ويكفي أن حضرة البك يعدنا بالحضور غدًا لأخذ شهادته على هذا السكران.
عند ذلك يدفع صاحب الحان بالسكران الى الخارج فيتبعه الجندي.
الجندي (لصاحب الحان) اذا كنت في كل مرة تطاوع أجيرك في ما يشير به عليك فليس حضرة المعاون يكون عندك في كل ليلة والايام بيننا.
صاحب الحانة لا عليك فأرسله أنت الى الحبس ثم لا تفتكر.
The Policeman agreed, so they all went inside, only to find the Adjutant sitting beside his girlfriend with his coat over her shoulders and his tarboosh on her head. He was giving her a drink from his glass while she did the same from hers.
Proprietor (to the Adjutant) My dear Sir, business in my premises has been completely disrupted, and I’m sure that’s not to your pleasing. This man arrived already drunk from somewhere else and didn’t order anything in my place. He picked a quarrel, disturbed the atmosphere, and then proceeded to assault this gentleman who’s one of my most regular customers. What’s odd is that this Policeman has insisted on taking them both to the police station. This gentleman’s someone of noble birth. It isn’t appropriate for someone of his stature to be dragged off to court with this drunkard. The policeman refused to listen to me when I explained the story to him.
The Adjutant now put his tarboosh back on and called over the Policeman. The Policeman came over and gave a salute.
Adjutant (to the Policeman) Since this man’s so obviously drunk, you need only take him to the station. As long as this gentleman did not instigate an assault, as the Proprietor tells us, there’s no need to take him now and further disrupt things here. It’ll be sufficient for the gentleman to promise us to come to the station tomorrow so we can take his deposition against the drunkard.
With that, the Proprietor pushed the drunkard towards the exit, accompanied by the Policeman.
Policeman (to the Proprietor) It’s all very clever for you to follow your waiter’s cues. But then, the Adjutant isn’t here every night; and there are always the days in between!
Proprietor Never mind! Just put him in prison and don’t think any more about it!
قال عيسى بن هشام: وعدنا الى باب البار فرأينا البك خصم السكران وصاحب الحان جالسين مع المعاون وسمعنا البك يطلب أدوارًا من الكؤوس والزجاجات.
صاحب الحانة (للمعاون) لماذا أوعزت الى فلانة بالقيام من هذا المجلس؟
المعاون لم أوعز لها بشيء ولكنها قامت مغضبة.
صاحب الحانة ولأي سبب أغضبتها؟
المعاون لم أغضبها بل هي التي كدرتني وكدرت نفسها
صاحب الحانة أنا أدعوها لاصلح بينكما.
المعاون دعها فانه لا يمكن ان ترضى بالرجوع الآن فان غضبها مسبب عن منع الجندي من أخذ حضرة البك مع السكران الى القسم لان حضرته رفيق المغنية والمغنية من أعدائها.
صاحب الحانة لقد حرت في أمرها فان حماقتها لا تنتهي فهي تأتي كل ليلة بنوع من المشاكل يترتب عليه خسارتي ولولا خاطرك ما أبقيتها وما تكبدت اعطاءها مرتب مأمور مركز من الدرجة الآولى ولو رأيتها تنازع الناس وتخاصم صواحبها اعتمادا عليك ومباهاة باسمك لعلمت حماقَها.
المعاون ماذا أصنع في حماقَها؟ ولكنها على كل حال سليمة القلب خفيفة الروح وكم نبهت عليها بان تتجنب من أجلي الدخول في أسباب المنازعات والمشاجرات.
صاحب الحانة صدقت وهي مع ذلك تحبك كثيرًا .
ʿĪsā ibn Hishām said: We went back inside and discovered the Proprietor and the gentleman who had been in the fight with the drunkard sitting with the Adjutant. The glasses were being passed to and fro. We listened as the gentleman was ordering glasses and bottles:
Proprietor (to the Adjutant) Why did you tell your girlfriend to leave when we joined you?
Adjutant I didn’t tell her to do anything. She went off in a rage.
Proprietor Why was she in a rage?
Adjutant It wasn’t my fault. She found a way to annoy me and herself as well.
Proprietor I’ll call her back at once so I can help settle your disagreement.
Adjutant No, let her be! She won’t come back willingly at this point. She’s angry because the Policeman didn’t take this gentleman to the police station along with that drunkard. The gentleman here is a friend of the singer while she’s one of her enemies.
Proprietor I’ve given up on this girl; there’s no limit to her stupidity. Every night she causes me some new headache, and I suffer losses that I can’t make good. If it weren’t for you, Sir, I wouldn’t keep her here and put up with paying her the monthly salary of a deputy governor first-grade. If you could just see her, she’s always arguing with people and squabbling with her female colleagues. In all that, she’s relying on you and boasting about her acquaintance with you. Then you’d realize how stupid she is!
Adjutant What can I do about her stupidity? Even so, she’s good-hearted and lively. I’ve often warned her to stop getting into arguments and quarrels because of me.
Proprietor You’re right. And beyond that she really loves you.
وينتهي دور الغناء فتنزل المغنية الى البار فتجد ذلك البك قاعدًا مع المعاون وصاحب الحان فتجلس معهم وتستفهم عن ما جرى للبيك بسببها فيسرها ما حصل.
البك اني متشكر لحضرة المعاون غاية التشكر وأطلب منه السماح في أن أكون السبب في المصالحة بينه وبين فلانة حتى ينصرف غضبها وتصفو ليلتنا.
صاحب الحانة وأظن أن حضرة المعاون لا يأبى ذلك.
وبيناهم في هذا الكلام اذا بصاحبة المعاون قد دخلت عليهم وما وقع نظرها على المغنية جالسة معهم حتى انقلبت من الغضب جذوة نار أو لبوة هاجت لفقد أشبالها وشتمت وسبت ولعنت وقذفت وتفلت عليهم وهجمت على المرأة فأخذت ببرقعها فامالتها الى الارض توسعها ضربا ولكما وتتوعد المعاون بالشكاية فيه ثم تقسم أنها لا ترقص في ليلتها وانها لا تترك الجميع الا في القسم.
At this point, the singing came to an end. The singer came down to the bar and found the gentleman sitting with the Adjutant and Proprietor. She sat down with them and asked what had happened to him because of her. He told her the entire story.
Gentleman I’m extremely grateful to the Adjutant for treating me justly, but I’m asking him to allow me to bring about a reconciliation between him and the other lady. Then her anger will disappear, and we can enjoy a pleasant evening again.
Proprietor I don’t think the Adjutant will object to that idea.
While they were talking, the Adjutant’s girlfriend came back in. No sooner did she spot the singer sitting with them than she flew into a fiery rage and started behaving like a lioness that has gone berserk because she has lost her cubs. She ranted, cursed, and swore, uttering obscenities and oaths, and then hissed and spat. She pounced on the singing girl, grabbed her veil and threw her to the floor where she punched and beat her. She threatened to file a complaint against the Adjutant and then vowed not to dance that night. She would make sure they all had to go to the police station.
فلا يسع صاحب الحان الا أن يتلافى الأمر فيجرها بالقوة جانبًا فينسل المعاون هاربا ويقول صاحب الحان لها: انظري فقد سبق المعاون الى القسم فان لم تعودي الى شغلك أرسلتك اليه مع المغنية وكل من في المحل يشهد أنك تعديت عليها بالضرب من غير سبب ولا تجدين احدًا يشهد على المعاون أنه كان هنا وهو الذي يباشر التحقيق معك فينتقم لنفسه ولي منك فتقول له أفعلتها ولكن أناله والزمان طويل.
The only thing the Proprietor could do was to deal with the situation. He dragged her forcibly to one side, while the Adjutant slunk out as quickly as possible. The Proprietor then spoke to her in no uncertain terms, making it clear that the Adjutant had gone back to the station. If she didn’t start dancing again, he intended to send her with the singer to the station. Everyone in the place could testify that she had assaulted the singer for no reason at all. She would not find anyone to testify that the Adjutant himself had been there. He would be the one conducting the inquiry, and he’d have his revenge on her on his own behalf and that of the Proprietor. In reply she told him that this time she’d do it, but in the future . . .
قال عيسى بن هشام: وعادت الى مرقصها وعدنا الى مجلسنا لنرى ما يحدث فيه من الغرائب وما يتجدد فيه من العجائب.
ʿĪsā ibn Hishām said: With that she went back to the stage, and we returned to our seats so we could watch what other amazing things would happen next.