Читать книгу Mindwalking - Nancy Eubel - Страница 31
Chapter 3 Mindwalking
ОглавлениеWe are the designers of our own reality through our thoughts. That reality can either take us to a new level of soul development, or it can entrench us even more deeply in our negative ways of thinking. Edgar Cayce encouraged us to take responsibility for our own creations, mental and physical, when he said that mind is the builder. Now quantum physics is proving that our mind does indeed shape the thing that it perceives and that positive thoughts are one hundred times more powerful than negative ones. Our individual experience of the external world is, indeed, dependent upon how we look at it through our mind. Imagine the power of that knowledge! This means that we have the ability to change our thoughts to transform our obstacles and to reshape the lives we lead.
Many of our thoughts are fear based, and this hinders us in our approach to life. Limitations of family upbringing, school, peers, and our own perceptions construct the filters through which we view and judge all of life’s events. We may believe that if only someone will do or say something or if something happens, our lives will suddenly be better, not recognizing that change must come from within. It is possible to consciously alter the direction of our thoughts so that they no longer think us. Once we begin to study our patterns of thinking, we allow the emergence of other ways of interpreting a situation that can make our view of life a happier one. The way to transform our habitually limited thoughts is to first recognize them, go to their original source(s), and then convert them to thoughts that are more beneficial. We can gather clues to aid us in our further discovery of cause through past-life regression by first paying attention to the words and phrases we use daily that are not serving us. Also, noting the event or thought that triggered a negative response, the emotional state it evokes, any senses involved, and any physical reactions experienced are additional pieces of information that are helpful to take into a past-life regression to make it more productive.