Читать книгу Mindwalking - Nancy Eubel - Страница 36

Mindwalking—The Process


Mindwalking is a very different way to access past-life memories from the regressions presented in this book. This concept began several years ago after I had an out-of-body experience while in the dream state. In that experience, which was quite real, I was invited to mindwalk in someone’s brain to change a misperception. I did this by entering into the person’s actual brain cavity, identifying the part of the brain that carried the pattern of the erroneous thought, and then physically changing the brain!

This was something I had either done before or somehow knew how to do. The guidance that I received was that mindwalking is very important and that I should continue to work with it so that I could show others how to do it. It has evolved since that time. Now I want to share this remarkable process with you.


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