Читать книгу Mindwalking - Nancy Eubel - Страница 33

Thought Forms


Our own thoughts take on life when we think them over and over again. The more we think the same thought, the more energy it accumulates, and it begins to coalesce and take actual form, although that form may not be able to be seen by most of us. The energy attaches to us, causing us to respond to people and events in concert with the thought. Our response, especially if established in a prior life, may not benefit us in our current one. These thought forms can follow us through lifetimes and often contain elements of emotions such as anger, fear, or sadness. An example of this type of thought might be, “I am unworthy of being loved.” Negative thoughts such as this are the ones most frequently addressed through past-life regression therapy. Through this methodology we learn how it was created and what we have to do to disperse it. Then we will no longer respond automatically in ways that are inappropriate or destructive. We do have the right and ability to reshape our thoughts and responses in ways that are purposeful and directed for our highest benefit.


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