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A Checklist for SLC Task Design


Student learning communities (SLCs) are driven by confident collaboration. The experiences and tasks that engage SLCs allow each individual to make meaning (Schlechty, 2011), and this individual meaning-making empowers every learner to engage in collective discourse with the rest of the learning community.

Meaning-making comes from learners doing three things: (1) developing cognitive representations of the content, concept, or idea; (2) finding patterns within the content, concept, or idea; and (3) invoking buy-in or interest (Medina, 2008). The opportunity to exchange dialogue with peers about the main idea of a particular text (developing representations), examine similarities and differences across pieces of text and how main ideas are presented (patterns), and engage in this learning using high-interest text (buy-in or interest) helps students to make meaning of their learning. Each of these components of meaning-making is enhanced when students have opportunities to use academic language.

Deep learning is often impossible without student talk, and high-quality student talk is not likely to happen without well-designed experiences and tasks that promote this kind of meaning-making. Therefore, teachers must ensure the tasks and experiences intended for student learning communities

 Mobilize the skills of individuals as they work collaboratively;

 Have the right level of challenge and capitalize on the value of productive failure;

 Are authentic and motivate learners by allowing them to see the value in the collective learning;

 Promote each team member's feelings of connectedness to the collaborative team; and

 Depend on the team leveraging the skills, expertise, and background knowledge of every individual.

A well-designed experience or task is what sets an SLC in motion. The critical question, of course, is how do you know the task is well-designed for collaboration?

Student Learning Communities

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