Читать книгу Move Your Mind - Nick Bracks - Страница 2


Table of Contents








PART I: MENTAL HEALTH AND WELLBEING CHAPTER 1: MY STORY Realising I had a problem Getting help Beginning to heal Getting the word out Fulfilling my purpose and passion Facing fear and failure A final word CHAPTER 2: UNDERSTANDING MENTAL HEALTH What is mental health? What is mental illness? Where do mental health and illness stem from? Youth mental health Why now? Key mental health conditions Always put your mental health first My work in mental health A bit about stress A final word

PART II: HEALING AND SHARING CHAPTER 3: OWN YOUR STORY Why should I own it? It only takes one person How do you own your story? CHAPTER 4: START THE CONVERSATION How do we change this?

10  PART III: THE FOUR PRACTICAL PATHWAYS TO MENTAL HEALTH AND WELLBEING CHAPTER 5: PATHWAY 1: MOVE YOUR MIND Benefits of exercise Creating a habit My approach The joy of movement A final word CHAPTER 6: PATHWAY 2: FEED YOUR MIND Food and our mental health The impact of nutrition on our mental health Food habits in the Western world Popular diets My approach Eating disorders A final word CHAPTER 7: PATHWAY 3: CONNECT YOUR MIND Love and connection Connection comes from within My approach Relationships A final word CHAPTER 8: PATHWAY 4: STILL YOUR MIND Scientific benefits of meditation and mindfulness Ways to meditate Make it work for you My five wellness tools Internal vs external A mindset of purpose Scientific benefits of sleep Sleep and mental health Getting enough sleep My approach: creating my own mantra A final word

11  PART IV: THE THREE STAGES OF SUSTAINABLE CHANGE CHAPTER 9: SET YOURSELF UP AND LIVE YOUR BEST LIFE Meaning and purpose CHAPTER 10: STAGE 1: MAKE A PLAN Baby steps Setting goals CHAPTER 11: STAGE 2: DO THE WORK PERMA™ Creating healthy habits Resilience CHAPTER 12: STAGE 3: CHECK IN Observation Facing fears Building happiness An equation for happiness






Title Page



About the Author



Table of Contents

Begin Reading

10  Conclusion

11  Index

12  End User License Agreement











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Move Your Mind

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