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Touring the Gmail app
ОглавлениеTo get things started with the Gmail app, point your favorite web browser to mail.google.com
and then sign in, if asked. The Gmail app that shows up looks fairly plain, but quite a few knickknacks are scattered around the screen. Let's take a look:
Main menu: This is the sidebar on the left, and it consists of the following elements:Label list: When you work in Gmail, your messages aren't stored in folders the way they are in most other email apps. Instead, Gmail uses labels to organize your messages, and all your labels appear on the Main menu's label list. When you click a label on this list, you see all your messages that have that label applied. For example, when a new message arrives, Gmail automatically applies the Inbox label to it, so to see all your new messages, you click the Inbox label. Why use labels instead of good old-fashioned folders? Because folders are storage areas, which means a message can reside in only one place at a time. However, you can slap as many labels on a message as you like. If a new message comes in and you give it the Starred label, that message is available to you in both the Inbox label and the Starred label. If the benefit of this strategy isn't clear right now, don't worry: I talk much more about labels later in this chapter.Profile picture: This is the image that others see when you interact with them in the G Suite apps. I talk a bit later about how to change this picture.Contacts: This is the contacts list from the Hangouts app.Conversations: You can see your recent chat conversations conducted in the Hangouts app.Phone calls: Make a phone call.
Main menu toggle: Click this icon to narrow the main menu to show only icons. This gives you a bit more horizontal space for Gmail. Click the icon again to expand the main menu.
Select: You can select some or all of the messages in the current label.
Refresh: Click to check for new messages.
Search mail: Enter text here to locate messages.
Google apps: Clicking the grid icon displays the icons for all Google apps.
Google account: Get access to your Google account.
Side panel: This sidebar, which is on the right, consists of the following elements:Calendar: Opens a pane for quick access to Google Calendar.Keep: Enables you to write a quick note to store in the Keep app.Tasks: Enables you to create a quick task to store in the Tasks app.
Hide side panel: Click this arrow to collapse the side panel and gain a little extra horizontal legroom. Click the arrow again to redisplay the side panel.
Figure 2-1 points out the features listed above.