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Company strategy


Company strategy brings together everything that you know about your business environment and your company to come up with future projections.

Map out your basic strategies for dealing with the major parts of your business, including the industry, your markets, and competition. Talk about why your strategy is the right one, given your business situation. Describe how the strategy is likely to play out in the future. Finally, point out specifically what your company needs to do to ensure that the strategy succeeds. Inquisitors of business plans often like to ask, “What is the one worst thing that might throw you off track?” so be sure you’ve got a reassuring answer if the question comes up.

Everybody knows that the future is uncertain, so you need to talk about the ways your business world may be different in the future. List alternative possibilities for action, and in each case, describe what your company is doing to anticipate the changes and take advantage of new opportunities. Explain how your current resources might be rapidly transformed to meet new possibilities and what critical signals you will monitor to determine if and when such a pivot is necessary.

To prepare for change in your business world and to get info on how to think strategically about your company’s future, turn to Part 4.

Business Plans For Dummies

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