Читать книгу Yes, Please. Thanks!: Teaching Children of All Ages Manners, Respect and Social Skills for Life - Penny Palmano - Страница 29



The stand-up battle of wills is only training your child to argue and is to be avoided at all costs. Where possible find an alternative to the confrontation; it will be far less stressful for everyone concerned. If you would like your toddler to do something that you know he will not want to do, try not to ask directly. For instance, try not to say, ‘Please undress for bed now,’ which for a toddler is just the perfect excuse to say, ‘No.’ Try a bit of reverse psychology, as in, ‘I bet you can’t get undressed in the time it takes me to run to the kitchen and fetch your drink. Ready, steady go,’ which is far more likely to have them undressing as quickly as possible. And by the way, let them win. Tell them you can’t believe how fast they were and the next time you’ll have to run faster.

Yes, Please. Thanks!: Teaching Children of All Ages Manners, Respect and Social Skills for Life

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