Читать книгу Yes, Please. Thanks!: Teaching Children of All Ages Manners, Respect and Social Skills for Life - Penny Palmano - Страница 36



If your daughter bites, hits or pinches another child, immediately tell her in your firm voice with a firm look on your face, ‘No, you are not to bite/hit/pinch.’ First, ask her to apologize to the victim and check the victim is ok. Then remove her to a quiet place to sit or stand with you for a few minutes’ cooling-off time. Do not talk to your child during the cooling-off time (about two minutes) as she might get to see it as one-to-one attention. Afterwards, explain that it is perfectly normal for children to get angry – Mummy gets angry and the best thing to do is to put your hands on your hips and say, ‘I am very angry.’ Get her to practise it in front of you and then send her back to play. The hands on the hips just occupies the hands, preventing her from lashing out.

If she throws something, immediately tell her, ‘No,’ and take her to pick it up and help clear up if anything was knocked over, then continue as above.

Yes, Please. Thanks!: Teaching Children of All Ages Manners, Respect and Social Skills for Life

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