Читать книгу Adobe Photoshop CC For Dummies - Peter Bauer - Страница 4

List of Illustrations


1 Chapter 1FIGURE 1-1: Basic Photoshop: Take photo, edit photo, print photo. Drink coffee ...FIGURE 1-2: Some common Photoshop tasks. FIGURE 1-3: You can use Photoshop with raster images, vector shapes, and even t...FIGURE 1-4: Photoshop reminds you if you haven’t saved changes to an image.FIGURE 1-5: Painting to undo with the History Brush, with the original in the u...

2 Chapter 2FIGURE 2-1: That’s not really Hugo the Bulldog; it’s a bunch of tiny, colored s...FIGURE 2-2: Each pixel is monotone, containing a single color throughout the pi...FIGURE 2-3: More pixels (top) means better detail. Note the zoom factors in the...FIGURE 2-4: Set a Mac’s resolution through the System Preferences (left), a PC’...FIGURE 2-5: The Image Size dialog box includes a preview window and an automate...FIGURE 2-6: As the smaller image shows at 300% zoom, you can reduce an image to...FIGURE 2-7: When either Preserve Details option is selected, you’ll also see a ...FIGURE 2-8: Scaling an image without scaling its layer styles can ruin your ima...FIGURE 2-9: Resizing an image without constraining proportions. Interesting, ye...FIGURE 2-10: Clear the Resample Image check box to change print size, not pixel...FIGURE 2-11: Enter a value, and Photoshop recalculates the fields automatically...FIGURE 2-12: The X to the left shows inkjet printer droplets and to the right, ...FIGURE 2-13: Photoshop shows you which image features are not available in your...FIGURE 2-14: Remember to flatten TIFF files before saving when using them outsi...FIGURE 2-15: Use GIF for web interface items.FIGURE 2-16: Copy vector artwork from Word and paste into Photoshop.

3 Chapter 3FIGURE 3-1: Some commands have submenus, and some have dialog boxes.FIGURE 3-2: Some commands have submenus, and some have dialog boxes.FIGURE 3-3: Nesting and collapsing panels opens up the work area.FIGURE 3-4: Access a panel’s menu by clicking the button in the upper right. (C...FIGURE 3-5: Use the Option/Alt key with a selection tool to subtract from a sel...FIGURE 3-6: Select a workspace from the menu to instantly rearrange your panels...FIGURE 3-7: You can hide menu commands and color-code the visible commands.FIGURE 3-8: Tool presets help you work faster and more accurately.FIGURE 3-9: Use Photoshop’s Preferences to establish many program behaviors.FIGURE 3-10: When working with a low Hardness setting, Normal Brush Tip is usua...FIGURE 3-11: The magenta guides show how the layer aligns with other layers.FIGURE 3-12: Choose wisely in the Color Settings dialog box for optimal printin...

4 Chapter 4FIGURE 4-1: Photoshop‘s Home screen opens by default when the program launches.FIGURE 4-2: Access your scanner directly from Photoshop on a Mac, scanning righ...FIGURE 4-3: Scanning without (left) and with the scanner’s moiré reduction opti...FIGURE 4-4: Organize with subfolders.FIGURE 4-5: Bridge’s color scheme is automatically matched to what you choose i...FIGURE 4-6: Assign keywords and categories to help organize (and locate) images...FIGURE 4-7: Auto-aligning and auto-blending layers.FIGURE 4-8: Use Batch Rename to assign informative names to files.FIGURE 4-9: Different print sizes encompass different amounts of your image.FIGURE 4-10: The Crop tool overlays can help when composing an image.FIGURE 4-11: Photoshop’s Print Settings dialog box offers basic control over yo...FIGURE 4-12: You can share your images directly from Photoshop (assuming your c...

5 Chapter 5FIGURE 5-1: A nice snapshot, but not art.FIGURE 5-2: One simple tonal adjustment darkens, lightens, enriches color, and ...FIGURE 5-3: The histogram is skewed to the right because of the many white pixe...FIGURE 5-4: Too many pixels in the leftmost column make the distribution for th...FIGURE 5-5: The Enhance Brightness and Contrast algorithm is selected by defaul...FIGURE 5-6: Compare the Levels histogram and the Histogram panel.FIGURE 5-7: Change the Levels adjustment blending mode to Luminosity with the F...FIGURE 5-8: Use the eyedroppers in Levels to set the black and white points; th...FIGURE 5-9: A simple “S-curve” adjustment makes the image more dramatic.FIGURE 5-10: Drag up to lighten, down to darken. Adjustments are applied throug...FIGURE 5-11: Shadows/Highlights does a rather good job with these very common p...FIGURE 5-12: Some images need help to show detail in both shadows and highlight...FIGURE 5-13: “Painting” the fence with the Burn tool to darken the rails.FIGURE 5-14: Use the Dodge tool to minimize wrinkles without removing them.FIGURE 5-15: A wide-gamut image (on the left) and the same picture with a small...FIGURE 5-16: You typically use CMYK images for bulk-print materials.FIGURE 5-17: Bitmap images contain only black and white pixels; no grays, no co...FIGURE 5-18: Choose your preferred color model from the Color panel menu.FIGURE 5-19: Compare the Histogram panels to see posterization (below).FIGURE 5-20: Photoshop’s flexibility is truly evident on the Image?⇒?Adjustment...FIGURE 5-21: Correct each channel individually with Curves to adjust color in y...FIGURE 5-22: Hue/Saturation can cure three problems at once.FIGURE 5-23: Black & White enables you to determine grayscale tones by mixing c...FIGURE 5-24: Color lookup tables are often used to match lighting in a computer...FIGURE 5-25: Using more colors in your gradient produces more detail.FIGURE 5-26: Tweaking the Neutrals can adjust the overall appearance of an imag...FIGURE 5-27: Using selections of water in both images adjusts color throughout ...FIGURE 5-28: Make a selection and change the selection’s hue, saturation, and l...FIGURE 5-29: The problem is only in one area of each channel, but you can fix i...FIGURE 5-30: These are guidelines only, not absolute values!FIGURE 5-31: Use the panel options to set up the Info panel.

6 Chapter 6FIGURE 6-1: The impressive Camera Raw window, with the Basic section of the Edi...FIGURE 6-2: Click and hold to open the menu, or click-click-click to rotate thr...FIGURE 6-3: The Crop tool can ensure perfect aspect ratio.FIGURE 6-4: Camera Raw’s Spot Removal tool offers both healing and cloning mode...FIGURE 6-5: The Visualize spots option.FIGURE 6-6: Minimize the haunted red eye effect right in Camera Raw.FIGURE 6-7: Paint to make adjustments to exposure, brightness, contrast, and mo...FIGURE 6-8: Like using a graduated filter when shooting, but with more control!FIGURE 6-9: The Basic section is where you do the bulk of your image correction...FIGURE 6-10: You make changes to tonality on the Tone Curve tab.FIGURE 6-11: Reducing noise and sharpening can greatly improve the overall appe...FIGURE 6-12: Hold down the Option/Alt key while dragging to preview the sharpen...FIGURE 6-13: Grayscale “greenery” contrasts nicely with highly saturated blooms...FIGURE 6-14: A photo of a bland building in front of an overcast sky is improve...FIGURE 6-15: Correct aberrations created by a lens by using a preset, or making...FIGURE 6-16: The Camera Calibration sliders might be useful for correcting a co...

7 Chapter 7FIGURE 7-1: Sometimes only part of the image needs changes.FIGURE 7-2: The selection (visible to the right) restricts the change to some p...FIGURE 7-3: Make a selection, copy, switch to another image, and paste.FIGURE 7-4: A close-up look at no feathering, feathering, and lots of featherin...FIGURE 7-5: Anti-aliasing helps smooth the appearance of curves and diagonals.FIGURE 7-6: Marquee selection tools come in four flavors, two of which are tast...FIGURE 7-7: The buttons at the left on the Options bar control selection intera...FIGURE 7-8: The basic options for the lasso selection tools match those for the...FIGURE 7-9: Drag through an area of color to select the pixels under the brush ...FIGURE 7-10: Select and Mask is a very powerful feature for fine-tuning selecti...FIGURE 7-11: The Deselect or Reselect command — or both — are always grayed out...FIGURE 7-12: The Color Range feature selects by color.FIGURE 7-13: Color Range offers four ways to preview — five, if you include Non...FIGURE 7-14: Selecting subjects is now a one-step feature in Photoshop.FIGURE 7-15: The many faces of selection transformations.FIGURE 7-16: You can change the opacity and color of the Quick Mask overlay.FIGURE 7-17: When you already have an active selection, an alpha channel can re...FIGURE 7-18: You can see just the alpha channel itself (left) or as a red overl...FIGURE 7-19: To the left, the Adjustments panel; to the right, a Curves adjustm...FIGURE 7-20: Restrict an adjustment to one layer by clipping it to the layer.

8 Chapter 8FIGURE 8-1: To the left, the Red Eye tool being dragged; to the right, the resu...FIGURE 8-2: The Camera Raw filter offers Pet Eye removal.FIGURE 8-3: The Clone Stamp (lower left) covers wrinkles, whereas the Healing B...FIGURE 8-4: Rotate a selection to pinch in a waist.FIGURE 8-5: Burning and dodging can reduce even a very prominent double chin.FIGURE 8-6: The original beltline is shown to the lower left.FIGURE 8-7: Coffee and caps; Dodge tool digital correction; show-biz-white teet...FIGURE 8-8: The Reduce Noise filter keeps your image sharp while eliminating RG...FIGURE 8-9: The Smart Blur filter is a good choice for luminance noise reductio...FIGURE 8-10: The original photo (left); using Content-Aware Fill in the selecte...FIGURE 8-11: One small step for Photoshop, one giant leap for mankind!FIGURE 8-12: The original in the upper left; layered and cloned in the upper-ri...FIGURE 8-13: The original is shown to the lower left.FIGURE 8-14: Adaptive Wide Angle is another filter for adjusting photos.FIGURE 8-15: The original image, with a cloudy sky, is shown to the lower left.

9 Chapter 9FIGURE 9-1: Elements on different layers form a single image.FIGURE 9-2: Filters applied to the Smart Object are listed under Smart Filters.FIGURE 9-3: Blending modes control the interaction between the gradients and th...FIGURE 9-4: Paint on a layer set to Color to retain the detail of the layer bel...FIGURE 9-5: Where you see the lower layer, the upper layer is transparent.FIGURE 9-6: Option+click or Alt+click the line between two layers to clip the u...FIGURE 9-7: Drag anchor points to transform.FIGURE 9-8: Use the Warp transformation to distort layers or selections.FIGURE 9-9: Duplicating a color channel is often the fastest way to a great alp...FIGURE 9-10: Use the Create Planes tool to identify surfaces.FIGURE 9-11: Option+drag or Alt+drag with the Marquee tool to copy your pasted ...

10 Chapter 10FIGURE 10-1: Each element in most vector art has a single specific color.FIGURE 10-2: Paths define the outline of an object — the snake’s tongue, in thi...FIGURE 10-3: Using text as an example shows the advantage of vector artwork whe...FIGURE 10-4: The shape tools are collected in one spot in Photoshop’s Toolbox.FIGURE 10-5: Dragging a shape tool creates both a shape layer and the path that...FIGURE 10-6: The Fill and Stroke options are available for all shape-creation t...FIGURE 10-7: You now import and export custom items, such as shapes (shown here...FIGURE 10-8: Name your new shape and click OK.FIGURE 10-9: A simple layer style makes your shape jump off the page.FIGURE 10-10: Dressing up the shapes can make a world of difference.FIGURE 10-11: Layer masks determine layer visibility.FIGURE 10-12: Paths have square anchor points and circular control points.FIGURE 10-13: Use the menu to the left on the Options bar to determine whether ...FIGURE 10-14: You don’t need to be precise; just more or less follow the four p...FIGURE 10-15: The Pen tool has a couple of tricks up its sleeve!FIGURE 10-16: Tracing around an object that contrasts with the background is si...FIGURE 10-17: The Paths panel is your key to organizing and controlling vectors...FIGURE 10-18: Think about whether you want to stroke first (left) or fill first...FIGURE 10-19: The pairs of paths are shown in color, which you select by clicki...FIGURE 10-20: Two (or more) paths can interact with each other, creating a comp...FIGURE 10-21: The buttons control how a second path (and any subsequent paths) ...FIGURE 10-22: You can convert vector type to shapes and edit the individual cha...

11 Chapter 11FIGURE 11-1: Strokes, shadows, and bevels are just some of the effects availabl...FIGURE 11-2: You can add a layer style through the Layers panel.FIGURE 11-3: Some layer effects need transparent areas on the layer, or they wo...FIGURE 11-4: The Styles panel holds your preset and saved layer styles.FIGURE 11-5: You can use the Layer Style menu to apply layer effects and more.FIGURE 11-6: Sometimes shadows in your artwork shouldn’t all use the Global Lig...FIGURE 11-7: The Layer Style dialog box has separate options for each layer eff...FIGURE 11-8: The Bevel and Emboss layer effect is very versatile.FIGURE 11-9: Many illustrations in this book use the Bevel and Emboss layer eff...FIGURE 11-10: The Stroke effect can stand alone or be used with other layer eff...FIGURE 11-11: Inner shadows can be soft or hard, light or dark.FIGURE 11-12: Inner Glow offers more control than Inner Shadow.FIGURE 11-13: The Satin layer effect is very effective with complex shapes.FIGURE 11-14: Color Overlay can produce subtle or dramatic changes in your artw...FIGURE 11-15: In keeping with its name, the Gradient Overlay effect overlays a ...FIGURE 11-16: The Pattern Overlay layer effect adds texture to your layer’s art...FIGURE 11-17: An Outer Glow layer effect (seen here on the left) is a multipurp...FIGURE 11-18: Drop shadows can visually separate the upper layer from the lower...FIGURE 11-19: The Opacity and Fill Opacity sliders control the visibility of a ...FIGURE 11-20: Using the Glass Type effect is a great way to add copyright info ...FIGURE 11-21: Make a white background disappear with the Blend If sliders.

12 Chapter 12FIGURE 12-1: Photoshop gives you lots of tools and menus for working with text.FIGURE 12-2: Use the Character Styles and Paragraph Styles panels to ensure con...FIGURE 12-3: You can also use type as symbolic or decorative elements.FIGURE 12-4: ⌘/Ctrl+click a type layer’s thumbnail to make a text-shaped se...FIGURE 12-5: Vertical type stacks the individual characters. You can rotate hor...FIGURE 12-6: Use the Options bar to quickly and easily change the primary attri...FIGURE 12-7: Select specific characters, such as the words SELECTING THEM, to c...FIGURE 12-8: Some fonts have many styles available.FIGURE 12-9: Select any individual character and change its font, color, size, ...FIGURE 12-10: More choices!FIGURE 12-11: Tool presets can save you lots of time.FIGURE 12-12: Most of this panel is only for paragraph type.FIGURE 12-13: “Clip” the upper layer to the lower layer.FIGURE 12-14: Add layer styles to the lower layer so that the effects are visib...FIGURE 12-15: A plus sign in the lower-right anchor point warns you that text d...FIGURE 12-16: Compare the left and right margins of each column of text.FIGURE 12-17: Default hyphenation values give you good results and a pleasing a...FIGURE 12-18: The illustration uses two separate type layers, each with its own...FIGURE 12-19: Text alignment determines where the text goes from the point wher...FIGURE 12-20: Sometimes you need to create two separate type layers, using two ...FIGURE 12-21: When you drag the cursor across the path a short distance, type f...

13 Chapter 13FIGURE 13-1: Make the primary decisions about painting tool behavior from the O...FIGURE 13-2: Changing the Spacing makes the individual brush tip instances visi...FIGURE 13-3: Airbrushing and spray painting with the Airbrush option for the Br...FIGURE 13-4: The Brush and Brush Presets panels, with their panel menus, provid...FIGURE 13-5: Use jitter to add variation to the application of your selected br...FIGURE 13-6: Use the Color Picker to define colors with precision. The Eyedropp...FIGURE 13-7: Erodible, airbrush, and watercolor tips add fine-art capabilities.FIGURE 13-8: The upper stroke is “wet” and the lower is “dry.”FIGURE 13-9: Photoshop offers several non-brush ways to add color to your image...FIGURE 13-10: Control gradients with the Options bar, Gradient panel, and Gradi...

14 Chapter 14FIGURE 14-1: Smart Filters are more like layer styles than adjustment layers.FIGURE 14-2: Blurry backgrounds help the subject stand out.FIGURE 14-3: Despite its name, Unsharp Mask actually sharpens your image.FIGURE 14-4: Smart Sharpen does a great job with appropriate images.FIGURE 14-5: Shake Reduction is a great way to sharpen images captured with a s...FIGURE 14-6: The Blur Gallery offers five filters, often best used with an imag...FIGURE 14-7: Lens Blur can use an alpha channel (mask) to control the blur.FIGURE 14-8: In the preview area the outer edges show the original distortion o...FIGURE 14-9: In addition to the extensive control in the Custom panel, Lens Cor...FIGURE 14-10: Oil Paint creates artistic renderings of photographic images.FIGURE 14-11: The expansive Filter Gallery interface.FIGURE 14-12: Liquify gives you unbelievable control over the pixels in your im...FIGURE 14-13: Neural Filters use machine learning to, among other processes, id...FIGURE 14-14: Among the beta Neural Filters is Smart Portrait.FIGURE 14-15: A point light in the upper left, a spot light in the lower left, ...FIGURE 14-16: The Clouds filter produces pleasant backgrounds.

15 Chapter 15FIGURE 15-1: The Actions panel menu includes sets of Actions you can load into ...FIGURE 15-2: After you click the New Action button, you see the New Action dial...FIGURE 15-3: Using Insert Menu Item leaves a dialog box open when playing the A...FIGURE 15-4: Insert a Stop to show a message when the Action is played.FIGURE 15-5: Insert Conditional is accessed through the panel menu, Conditional...FIGURE 15-6: The Batch command is much simpler than it looks!FIGURE 15-7: Some folks will get hooked on this new feature!FIGURE 15-8: PDF is a great format for sharing images as presentations or as do...FIGURE 15-9: If you need a printed record of your images, consider Contact Shee...FIGURE 15-10: To maintain image orientation, don’t use the Rotate for Best Fit ...FIGURE 15-11: Use a contrasting background to help Crop and Straighten Photos f...FIGURE 15-12: Image Processor can batch-convert to speed your workflow.

16 Chapter 16FIGURE 16-1: You can open a video file or create a new project.FIGURE 16-2: Video groups and layers outside of groups can overlap to play simu...FIGURE 16-3: Drag the ends of segments to trim; click the gray arrow at the rig...FIGURE 16-4: The “regular” layer will be visible in the video for the entire du...FIGURE 16-5: Drag transitions to the timeline to blend adjacent video segments.FIGURE 16-6: Use keyframes to specify start and end points of special effects.FIGURE 16-7: Over the course of the animation, the red ball and blue square exc...FIGURE 16-8: Photoshop generated 10 of the 13 frames automatically.FIGURE 16-9: Select all of the frames and assign a frame rate to control playba...

17 Chapter 17FIGURE 17-1: Photoshop CC includes 3D capabilities.FIGURE 17-2: Several exposures combined into one image is just one use of Smart...FIGURE 17-3: The cars on either side of the river, the bus, and even the fallin...FIGURE 17-4: Tools, menus, and panels specially for working in 3D.FIGURE 17-5: Customize the Measurement Scale.FIGURE 17-6: Measurements can also be made in perspective with Vanishing Point.FIGURE 17-7: Click each item and Photoshop keeps a running tally for you.FIGURE 17-8: Review medical imagery right in Photoshop.

18 Chapter 18FIGURE 18-1: You open Sidecar through System Preferences on the Mac.FIGURE 18-2: Set up multiple screens on the Arrangement tab.FIGURE 18-3: The iPad is extending the screen space, arranged (for convenience)...FIGURE 18-4: Photoshop on the iPad has a very different interface but many of t...FIGURE 18-5: You can program different features for various programs.

19 Chapter 19FIGURE 19-1: You can expose for the room and lose the highlights, you can expos...FIGURE 19-2: Merge to HDR opens after the images have been processed.FIGURE 19-3: In 16-bit mode with Local Adaption, you have quite a bit of contro...FIGURE 19-4: HDR Toning offers the same options as Merge to HDR Pro’s 16-bit mo...FIGURE 19-5: The incredible range of 32-bit color requires a new way to define ...

Adobe Photoshop CC For Dummies

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