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gài 盖 v to build; to cover

gǎibiàn 改变 v to change (conditions, situations)

gǎibiàn zhǔyi 改变主意 v to change one’s mind

gàiniàn 概念 n concept

gàizhāng 盖章 n stamp (ink)

gǎizhèng 改正 v to correct

gàizi 盖子 n lid

gān 干 adj dry

gān 肝 n liver

gàn 干 v do

gǎn xìngqù 感兴趣 adj interested in

gānbái 干白 n dry white wine

gānbēi 干杯 exclam cheers!

gǎnchū 赶出 v to chase away, chase out

gǎndào jīngyà 感到惊讶 adj astonished

gǎndào xīngfèn 感到兴奋 adj excited

gǎndào yíhàn 感到遗憾 v to regret

Gǎng‘àotái 港澳台 n Hong Kong, Macao and Taiwan

gāngbǐ 钢笔 n pen

gāngcái 刚才 adv just now

gǎngkǒu 港口 n harbor

gāngmén 肛门 n anus

Gǎngtái 港台 n Hong Kong and Taiwan

gāngtiě 钢铁 n steel

gǎngwèi péixùn 岗位培训 n on-the-job training

gànhóng 干红 n dry red wine

gǎnjī 感激 adj grateful

gānjìng 干净 adj clean

gǎnjué 感觉 n feeling

gānjúshǔde 柑橘属的 adj citrus

gǎnkuài! 赶快 command hurry up!

gǎnmào 感冒 n cold, flu

gǎnqíng 感情 n emotion

gānshī 干尸 n mummy (wrapped up corpse)

gànxìbāo 干细胞 n stem cell

gǎnxiè 感谢 v to thank

gānzào 干燥 adj dry (weather)

gānzhè 甘蔗 n sugarcane

gāo 高 adj high, tall

gāo’ěrfūqiú 高尔夫球 n golf

gāodù 高度 n level (height)

gāofēn dīnéng 高分低能 n, adj high scores and low abilities (students)

gāofēng 高峰 n peak time

gāofēng lùntán 高峰论坛 n summit (forum)

gāogàn 高干 n high-ranking official; senior cadre

gāojià gōnglù 高架公路 n elevated highway

gāojià qīngguǐ 高架轻轨 n elevated railway

gāokǎo 高考 n university entrance examination

gāokējì bǎnkuài 高科技板块 n high-tech sector

Gāomián 高棉 n Cambodia

Gāomiánde 高棉的 adj Cambodian (in general)

Gāomiánrén 高棉人 n Cambodian (people)

Gāomiányǔ 高棉语 n Cambodian (language)

gāonándù dòngzuò 高难度动作 n stunt

gāoqīng xīdù 高清晰度 n high definition

gāoshǒu 高手 n master, expert

gàosu 告诉 v to let someone know

gāosù gōnglù 高速公路 n motorway

gāowán 睾丸 n testicles

gāoxīn 高薪 n high salary

gāoxìng 高兴 adj glad, pleased, happy

gāoyǎ 高雅 adj elegant

gāoyuán fǎnyìng 高原反应 n altitude sickness

gē 割 v to cut

gē 歌 n song

gèshì-gèyàng n 各式各样 every kind of

gè jiù gè wèi 各就各位 On your marks! (running)

gèbié 个别 adj different, other

gēbo 胳膊 n arm

gēge 哥哥 n brother (older)

gègǔ 个股 n individual share

gěi 给 v to give

gěi ... kàn 给 ... 看 v to show

gěi rén shēnkè yìnxiàng 给人深刻 印象 v to make an impression

gěi rén shēnkè yìnxiàng de 给人深刻印象的 adj impressive

Gélièfó yóujì 格列佛游记 n Gulliver’s Travels

gēmí 歌迷 n music fans

gēn 根 n root (of plant)

gēn 跟 conj with

gēn ... bǐjiào 跟 ... 比较 v compared with

gēn ... liánxì 跟 ... 联系 v to contact, get in touch with

gēn ... shāngliang 跟 ... 商量 v to consult, talk over with

gènghǎo 更好 adj better

gèngduōde 更多的 adj more of (things)

gènghuàile 更坏了 adj worse

gèngkuài gènggāo gèngqiáng 更快更高更强 adj Citius, Altius, Fortius (= Faster, Higher, Stronger—which may refer to the Olympic motto)

gèngshǎode 更少的 adj less (smaller amount)

gēnjù 根据 adv based on, according to

gēnpìchóng 跟屁虫 n tag-along; flatterer

gēnsuí 跟随 adj following

gēnzhe 跟着 v to follow behind

gèrén suǒde shuì 个人所得税 n personal income tax

gèrén xìnyòng zhìdù 个人信用制度 n credit rating system

gèrén yǎnchànghuì 个人演唱会 n solo concert

gètǐ jīngjì 个体经济 n private economy

gōng’ānjú 公安局 n police station

gōngbǐ 工笔 n traditional Chinese realistic painting

gōngcè 公厕 n public toilet

gòngchǎndǎng 共产党 n the communist party

gōngchǎng 工厂 n factory

gōngchéng gōngsī 工程公司 n engineering company

gōngchǐ 公尺 n meter (measurement)

gōngdào 公道 adj reasonable (price)

gōngdiàn 宫殿 n palace

gōngfèi lǚyóu 公费旅游 n junket (trip)

gōngfèi yīliáo 公费医疗 n free medicare

gōngfū 功夫 n gongfu

gōnggòng 公共 n public

gōnggòngqìchē 公共汽车 n bus

gōngguān 公关 n public relations (PR)

gōngjī 攻击 v to attack (in war)

gōngjījīn 公积金 n public reserve funds

gōngjiàng 工匠 n craftsperson

gōngjīn 公斤 n kilogram

gōngjù 工具 n tool

gōngkuǎn chīhē 公款吃喝 n recreational activities using public funds

gōnglǐ 公里 n kilometer

gōngmín 公民 n citizen

gōngpíng 公平 adj just, fair

gōngshāngjú 工商局 n industrial and commercial bureau

gōngshí 工时 n man-hour

gōngsī 公司 n company, firm

gōngwénbāo 公文包 n briefcase

gōngwùyuán 公务员 n civil servants; governmental employees

gōngxǐ fācái 恭喜发财 phr May you be prosperous! (said usually in the Lunar New Year period)

gōngxīn jiēcéng 工薪阶层 n salaried group; those who are paid wages

gōngxiū 公休 n public holidays

gōngyèyuán qū 工业园区 n industrial park

gōngyì huódòng 公益活动 n public welfare activities

gōngyù 公寓 n apartment, flat

gōngyuán 公园 n garden, park

gōngzī 工资 n wages, salary

gōngzī shuì 工资税 n payroll tax

gōngzī xuējiǎn 工资削减 n pay-cut

gōngzuò 工作 n job, work

gōngzuò rényuán 工作人员 n staff

gōngzuòrì 工作日 n working day of the week

gǒu 狗 n dog

gòumǎilì 购买力 n purchasing power

gòuwù 购物 v to shop, go shopping

gǒuzǎiduì 狗仔队 n paparazzi

gǔ shíhou 古时候 n, adv (in) olden times

guā 瓜 n melon

guà 挂 v to hang

guā húzi 刮胡子 v to shave

guǎfù 寡妇 n widow

guàhào 挂号 v to register

guàhàoxìn 挂号信 n registered post

guàkào 挂靠 adj be attached or affiliated to

guān’guāng 观光 n sightseeing

guān hāng 官商 n state-operated commerce

guānbì 关闭 v to shut

guànfàn 惯犯 n repeated offender

guānfū 鳏夫 n widower

guǎngbō 广播 v, n broadcast

guǎngchǎng 广场 n square, town square

guāngdié 光碟 n CD

guǎnggàocí 广告词 n jingle (advertising)

guǎnggàorén 广告人 n advertising man; ad man

guānggǔ 光谷 n optical valley

guǎngjiāohuì 广交会 n Canton Fair; Guangzhou Fair

guǎngkuòde 广阔的 adj broad, spacious

guāngpán 光盘 n CD

guāngpán yuèdúqì 光盘阅读器 n CD-ROM

guāngtōngxùn 光通讯 n optical communication

guāngtūde 光秃的 adj bald

guānguāng bāshì 观光巴士 n tour bus

guānguāng diàntī 观光电梯 n sightseeing lift

guǎngyùwǎng 广域网 n wide area network (WAN)

Guǎngzhōu 广州 n Guangzhou (Canton)

Guǎngzhōuhuà 广州话 n Cantonese

guànjūn 冠军 n champion

guānkàn 观看 v to view, look at, watch

guānle 关了 adj off (turned off)

guǎnlǐ 管理 v to manage, succeed

guānmén 关门 adj closed (door/shop)

guānshàngle 关上了 adj closed

guānshuì 关税 n duty (import tax)

guānshuì bìlěi 关税壁垒 n tariff barrier

guānshuì pèié 关税配额 n tariff quota

guàntóu 罐头 n can, tin

guānxìwǎng 关系网 n network

guānyú 关于 conj concerning

guānyuán 官员 n officials (government)

gǔběn 股本 n share capital

gǔdài 古代 adj ancient

gùdìngde 固定的 adj regular, normal

gūdú 孤独 adj lonely

gǔfèn yǒuxiàn gōngsī 股份有限公司 n limited liability company

gǔfènzhì 股份制 n share­holding system; joint-stock system

gǔgàn qǐyè 骨干企业 n key enterprise

gūgu 姑姑 n aunt (father’s younger sister)

guǐ 鬼 n ghost

guì 贵 adj costly, expensive

guìbīn 贵宾 n guest of honor, VIP (Very Important Person)

guīdìngde 规定的 adj compulsory

guīgǔ 硅谷 n Silicon Valley

guīhuán 归还 v to return; to give back

guījiù 归咎 v to blame

guījù 规矩 n rules

guījùde 规矩的 adj well-behaved

guìtái 柜台 n counter (for paying, buying tickets)

guīyī sānbǎo 皈依三宝 v to become a Buddhist

guìzi 柜子 n cupboard

gǔjì 古迹 n remains (historical)

gǔmín 股民 n stockholder

gūmǔ 姑母 n aunt (father’s older sister)

gùn 棍 n stick, pole

gūniang 姑娘 n girl

guō 锅 n pan

guò 过 v to cross, go over

guò yīhuǐr 过一会儿 adv later

guóbǎo 国宝 n national treasure

guòcuò 过错 n fault

guòde kuàihuó 过得快活 v to enjoy oneself

guòdù kāikěn 过度开垦 n excess reclamation

guòfèn 过分 adj too much, excessive

guójí 国籍 n nationality

guójì 国际 adj international

guójì àowěihuì 国际奥委会 n International Olympic Committee (IOC)

guójì biāozhǔnhuà zǔzhī 国际标准化组织 n ISO (International Organization for Standardization)

guójì guànlì 国际惯例 n international practice

guójì hǎiyù 国际海域 n international waters

guójì huòbì jījīn zǔzhī 国际货币 基金组织 n IMF (International Monetary Fund)

guójì láogōng zǔzhī 国际劳工组织 n ILO (International Labor Organization)

guójì rìqībiàn gēngxiàn 国际日期变更线 n International Date Line (IDL)

guójì xiàngqí n 国际象棋 chess

guójì zhǔyì 国际主义 n internationalism

guójiā 国家 n country (nation)

guójiā jítèshū jīntiē 国家级特殊津贴 n special state allowance

guójiā kònggǔ gōngsī 国家控股公司 n state-controlling company

guójiā pǔtōnghuà shuǐpíng kǎoshì 国家普通话水平考试 n National Proficiency Test of Putonghua

guójiāduì 国家队 n national team

guójiǎo 国脚 n player of the national football team

guǒjiàng 果酱 n jam

guókùquàn 国库券 n treasury bonds

guòláosǐ 过劳死 n karoshi; death from overwork

guómín jīngjì zhīzhù chǎnyè 国民经济支柱产业 n pillar industries in national economy

guómín shēngchǎn zǒngzhí 国民生产总值 n gross national product (GNP)

guómíndǎng 国民党 n Kuomintang

guónèi shēngchǎn zǒngzhí 国内生产总值 n gross domestic product (GDP)

guóqìng 国庆 n national day

guóqiú 国球 n table tennis (national sport of China)

guòqùde 过去的 adj past, former

guòshānchē 过山车 n roller coaster

guòshī zérèn 过失责任 n liability of fault

guówài 国外 adv abroad

guówáng 国王 n king

guòyè 过夜 v to stay overnight

Guóyǔ 国语 n Mandarin (language) (Taiwan and Hong Kong)

guǒzhī 果汁 n juice

gùshi 故事 n story (tale)

gùtǐde 固体的 adj solid

gǔtou 骨头 n bone

gǔwán 古玩 n antiques

guóyǒugǔ 国有股 n state-owned shares

gūzhàng 姑丈 n uncle (husband of father’s sister)

Periplus Pocket Mandarin Chinese Dictionary

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