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Seasonal Affective Disorder (SAD)


Seasonal affective disorder, or SAD, is a condition in which people suffer depression, insomnia and lethargy in the winter months – hence its alternative name, ‘winter depression’. Normal circadian rhythms dictate that we get up in the light and go to bed in the dark. This is fine in the summer, but, in the case of SAD sufferers, the lack of light in winter is believed to disrupt their body clock so much that getting up on dark winter mornings proves impossible. The problem is believed to be caused by a disruption in their production levels of melatonin, the hormone which acts as the brain’s and body’s signal for darkness. Melatonin is normally produced at night, but in 80 per cent of SAD sufferers, melatonin levels peak just when it’s time to get up. SAD is often treated with light therapy, in which sufferers are subjected to bright light. The light is believed to block the production of melatonin, which kickstarts and resets the body clock.

Sleep: The secret to sleeping well and waking refreshed

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