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Sugar can have a negative impact on sleep patterns because of its effect on insulin and blood sugar levels. It is released into the bloodstream to give you that instant ‘high’, but then departs from your system just as quickly, leaving you exhausted. In fact, you feel so tired that your instant impulse is to have yet another sugar fix to make you feel better. And so the cycle goes on. The continuing effect of these highs and lows can leave you feeling drained, or – depending on when you last had your sugar dose – over-excited, with pounding palpitations that stop you from sleeping. The disruptive impact on blood sugar levels can also cause sleep-disrupting hormonal imbalances in women. Sugar is found not only in biscuits and sweets, but also in fizzy drinks, refined wheat, tomato ketchup, baked beans and many processed foods. Read all food labels carefully.

Sleep: The secret to sleeping well and waking refreshed

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