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Navigating Custom Functions


Custom Functions are a group of advanced settings available only in the P, Tv, Av, M, B, C1, or C2 exposure modes. (Remember: You set the exposure mode via the Mode dial on top of the camera.)

To explore Custom Functions, navigate to the Custom Functions menu and select a Custom Function category, as shown on the left in Figure 1-10. Press Set or the center Joystick button to display specific Custom Functions, as shown on the right in the figure. Here’s a guide to using the Custom Function screens, which work a little differently from other menu screens:

FIGURE 1-10: Navigate to the Custom Functions menu to access additional customization options.

 Interpreting the screens: The Custom Functions screens are a little intimidating until you know what’s what:Custom Functions are grouped into three categories: Exposure, Autofocus, and Operation/Others. The category number and name appear in the upper-left corner of the screen. In Figure 1-10, for example, the label indicates that you’re looking at a screen from the Autofocus category. (C.Fn II refers to Custom Functions group two.)The number of the selected function appears in the upper-right corner. Custom Function II: 15 is shown in Figure 1-10.Settings for the current function appear in the middle of the screen. Blue text indicates the current setting. The default setting is represented by the number 0. So in Figure 1-10, Auto is selected and is the default setting.Numbers at the bottom of the screen show you the current setting for all Custom Functions in the current category. The top row of numbers represents the Custom Functions, with the currently selected function indicated with a tiny red horizontal bar over the number (15, in the figure). The lower row shows the number of the current setting for each Custom Function; again, 0 represents the default.Dashes, shown for example under Custom Function II-1, reflect settings that aren’t organized into lists. This is Canon’s way of letting you know that this menu option controls more than one camera setting (thus, there isn’t one single default setting). If you change those settings, a blue dot replaces the dash.

 Scrolling from one Custom Function to the next: Use the Quick Control dial or press the left or right arrows using the Joystick or Multi-controller or tap the left or right scroll arrows at the top of the screen. You can see the arrows in the right screen in Figure 1-10.

 Changing the setting: You first must activate the menu by pressing the Set or center Joystick button or tapping one of the available setting options. The screen then changes to look similar to the one shown on the left in Figure 1-11, with the currently selected option highlighted. To select a different option, highlight it by tapping it or pressing up or down using the Joystick or Multi-controller. You can also rotate through options using the Quick Control dial.To lock in your setting and deactivate the settings screen, tap the Set icon or press the Set or center Joystick button. The screen returns to its inactive state, as shown on the right in Figure 1-11, with the setting you selected appearing in blue and the row of digits at the bottom of the screen reflecting the number for that setting. Again, a blue number at the bottom indicates that you chose a setting other than the default.

 Exiting the Custom Functions submenu: Tap the Menu icon in the lower-right corner of the screen or press the Menu button. Press Menu again to exit the menu system entirely and return to shooting.

FIGURE 1-11: After you select a setting (left), the menu screen updates to reflect your choice (right).

Canon EOS 90D For Dummies

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