Читать книгу Non-Obvious 2018 Edition - Рохит Бхаргава - Страница 57

Step 3—Elevating


Elevating involves finding the underlying themes that connect groups of ideas to describe a single, bigger concept.

Photo: Examples of groups of stories elevated together for a trend.

If you’ve gone through gathering and aggregating ideas—this is the point where you’ll probably confront the same problem I do every year: there are too many possibilities!

When I go through my annual exercise of curating trends, the first time I aggregate my ideas into clusters it usually yields between seventy and a hundred possible trend topics. That’s far too many, and a clear sign that there’s more work to be done.

How do you know what to focus on in order to build out into a trend? The goal in this third step is to try and take a bigger view and connect your smaller clusters of ideas together into larger ones that describe even bigger and potentially more powerful ideas. More than any other step, this is where the breakthroughs and inspiration usually come.

Non-Obvious 2018 Edition

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