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4 June 2011

My Dream

The night after making this mammoth decision I had the most vivid dream, an exquisite guide preparing me for what lay ahead. As remarkable as the dream was, its clarity struck me even more. I don’t usually recall my dreams, and if I do, it’s only vaguely and momentarily.

I am standing at the top of a mountain in the beautiful Red Hill region in the hinterland of the Mornington Peninsula, Victoria. Ahead of me is a sign to Amanda’s Art Gallery—Amanda is a dear friend and transformational healer who lives in Israel. We lost contact and have not seen one another in more than a decade. I don’t want to get distracted as I know I have to get to my beautiful boys, Josh and Zak, who are all alone on a nearby mountain.

Ahead I see a firebreak down the mountain. The pine stumps are about a foot high and painted white. It is a very steep path and looks quite daunting, but instinctively I know this is the quickest and best way forward.

Lying flat on my back I begin gliding my way down, comfortably skimming the stumps yet not really feeling any discomfort. About two thirds of the way down I pass through a thick cloud of swarming insects. They bite me, making me itchy and irritated. Their grouping is so dense I think I will never pass through them; darkness is all around. But just as it had appeared out of nowhere the swarm soon begins dissipating, and finally disappears save for one or two odd insects.

The path ahead is clear and I continue gliding down the firebreak relatively unencumbered until I am reunited with Josh and Zak. All is well! Our relief in seeing one another is palpable. Emotions run high as we embrace and share multiple hugs.

I have never felt so scared, but I am out of the woods!

Can you recall a dream you had relating to a significant moment or event that was prophetic in some way?




During times of angst have you ever made a conscious wish before you sleep for a dream to help guide you? If not, why not experiment? As our analytical minds are put to sleep, dreams open the door to one’s unconscious mind and perhaps even to a spiritual realm.

Laughing at Cancer

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