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Dear Readers,

Laughing at cancer, How to Heal with Love, Laughter and Mindfulness is is based on a series of journals I wrote following a shock diagnosis of bowel cancer days before my 43rd birthday.

Early into my writing I realised that as much as I was writing for myself I was also writing for other people who may be facing a significant health or life challenge. I aimed for my experiences and insights to assist and guide others on their own healing journey.

I share essential healing techniques, personal philosophies and professional insights as both a lecturer in health promotion and laughter wellness and mindfulness practitioner. Even though my experience was with bowel cancer, the healing strategies I employed in this book and much of what I went through are relevant to anyone living with a chronic illness or grappling with a significant life issue.

Laughter was integral to my journey to wellness. Not just laughter in the physical sense, but more broadly as a philosophy known as laughter wellness – a holistic practice positively orient-ing body and mind.

During this period of time my view of mindfulness expand-ed from that of a daily practice to a complete way of being. I derived so much benefit from daily mindfulness and experimented with different ways of sensing into and appreciating the present moment, far beyond any structured practice.

Increasingly I recognised laughter as a form of mindfulness: an anchor to the present moment. When you’re laughing, you’re laughing. It’s very difficult to feel negative emotion. This is really important in terms of healing, as optimal healing occurs when less stress and tension resides in the body.

While surgeons and doctors attended to my physical condition, laughter, mindfulness and other positive psychology techniques enabled deeper healing. So even when circumstances may have appeared less than perfect, these helped align my mind and body to a state where optimal healing could occur.

I hope this book awakens your inner smile and leads you down a path of love, joy and life fulfilment. These philosophies profoundly transformed my life, and my wish is that they transform yours.

I dedicate this book to your good health.

Wishing you much love, laughter and wellness,

Ros Ben-Moshe

Laughing at Cancer

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